How to get rid of moles

How to get rid of moles

Birthmark - accumulation of pigmented substances in the skin cells. Birthmarks can come and go throughout life. This is due to changes in hormonal levels in the body. If babies birthmarks are almost absent in the body, then at puberty their growth begins to intensify. Mostly flat "spots" do not carry health risks, in addition to the psychological discomfort. But prominent birthmark sometimes degenerate into a malignant tumor. Because of course the desire to get rid of them. Fortunately, there are many ways to quickly and accurately do it.

Before you decide to remove a mole, see your dermatologist. He by feelings determine your education is malignant or benign. In case of doubt, the doctor will prescribe additional investigation. This ultrasound examination or using dermatoscope - a magnifying device. Only a specialist without harm to define a method that is suitable for you. To date, medicine offers:

  • laser excision;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • surgical removal;
  • cryotherapy;
  • radionozha method.

Very popular thermal methods. It moles removal with laser or electrocautery. Procedures are carried out under local anesthesia. Pass operation quickly, about 5 minutes. Completely rule out the possibility of infection. Tissue regeneration takes place actively, for 2-3 weeks. At the site of the wound crust is formed, which soon disappears. And a month is left and scarring. But without the drawbacks do not: it is probable that thermal burns that aggravates the healing process. The difference in methods:

  • laser affects the thermal wave;
  • electrocoagulator affects high-frequency electric current formation.

A painless method of getting rid of unwanted birthions is radiosurgery. Mountain is excised by a special device - Surgitron. He emits high-frequency radio waves. At the same time there is disinfection of the wound. After the procedure, the client does not feel pain, even after the end of the anesthesia.

Cosmetologists offer cryodestruction procedure to remove pent. They are frozen by liquid nitrogen, brought to temperature -180ºС. The operation also passes quickly. But the healing process takes long. Therefore, this method is contraindicated to get rid of moles on the face. In addition, often cryodestruction has to be repeated, because It is difficult to calculate the amount of nitrogen to remove education.

A proven method of getting riddled from the moles is the removal with a scalpel. The positive point is that the recurrence will not be, because The birthmark is completely excised with particles of healthy tissue. But after the operation, the seams are applied, which are filmed in 2 weeks. The significant disadvantage of the procedure is that the little scar remains. Now the surgical method is trying to use less often. Only in extremely severe cases when the Mountain of Large Size.

An independent getting rid of the moles is a method for the most risky. After all, uncontrolled intervention sometimes leads to sad consequences. Basically, it turns out to clarify the birthmark, but not to reduce it forever. Use such products:

  • castor oil;
  • petrolatum;
  • luke or dandelion juice;
  • garlic;
  • special cream to remove from the pharmacy.

If you decide to get rid of the moles, then contact only qualified professionals. This will allow you to make a painless process itself and avoid the appearance of scars.

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