How to remove moles by folk remedies

How to remove moles by folk remedies

Moles - benign neoplasm on the skin. Someone they decorate, someone "like Belmo in the eye", and then the owner tries to get rid of such "decorations" with all their might. There are both the newest achievements of cosmetology and folk methods. So, we remove the mole at home ...

Lemon and garlic will be required, more precisely - the juice of these plants. Lubricity should be lubricated every two seconds. The more often you will spend this procedure, the better. Folk legari claim that this way can even get rid of rather large marks within 7-10 days.

Cellular is also a long-standing agent to get rid of unwanted pigment stains. From it prepare infusion on alcohol and wipe the birthmark several times a day. It is important to remember that the folk remedy will act only if the cleanliness is assembled on the first day of the new moon. You can use infusion on the second day.

You can remove notice with acetic essence. For 3-5 days to the Mountain, you need to drop the liquid on one drop. Do it best for the night.

Well helps in the fight against pigment stains self-made ointment from such components: hemp oil and chalk. The ratio is 4 to 1. For 7 days, lubricate the birthplace 3-4 times a day.

There are also ways to remove moles with the help of folk magic. For your purposes, it will take to snatch the bread spacing with the root. The sharp tip of the straw rolling the mole several times and immediately jump the skeleton to the root up. Instead of bread spikes, you can use the usual epic, taking off the previous spikelet. As soon as the Solven - Mountain will come down in the ground.

It is worth noting that the latter method is more based on self-sufficiency. In general, engage in independent "therapy" in this case doctors are not recommended, since moles have a property to grow out of benign "jewelry" in malignant. Therefore, if you really do not care about the mole, please contact experts for highly qualified help.

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