How to remove papillomas laser

How to remove papillomas laser

Papillomas - education on the skin of a certain form. More than 100 viruses can be causative agents of such moles. Most often, papillomas are removed by a laser, since after such an operation there is no scars and traces. Before conducting the procedure, it is recommended to make a biopsy of tissues to determine the oncogenic virus.

Removal by papillom

Usually, the removal of the papilloma laser is carried out without anesthesia. This is a rather painful operation, so when removing formations from extensive skin areas, the doctor can make an anesthetic injection. Thanks to the point exposure, it is possible to remove even the smallest papillomas. If papilloma is in the open area, after laser vaporization, it is impossible to expose to the influence of sun rays. It is not recommended to put the track from the burn with a laser plaster. Wear clothes with a long sleeve, and if the procedure was performed on the face, then wear a hat with the fields that will hide the skin from the sun.

How to remove papillomas laser

Before carrying out the procedure, it is not worth two weeks to sunbathe in the sun or in the solarium. In the process of operation, the nozzle does not contact the skin, which reduces the ability to infect infection or virus. At the point of papillomas, a deepening is formed, which is aligned after 2 weeks. It is impossible to lubricate the wound yourself. The use of drugs can be assigned only by a doctor.


It is worth considering that pointed and flat widths from the genital surface are also removed by the laser. These formations are due to the presence of HPV types 16 and 18 in the HPV body. After the procedure, the doctor will appoint special ointments for rapid wound healing. For about a month, you can not make love so as not to break the resulting film. This can lead to bleeding.

How to remove papillomas laser

Before carrying out the operation, it is necessary to pass the blood to HPV, if oncogenic viruses revealed in the laboratory, after the vaporization, go through antiviral drug treatment. Usually doctors prescribe groprinosine and drugs that improve immunity.


Dysplasia - Papilloma, which is formed on the cervix and is a malignant education. It is also removed by a laser, the main difference of such a device is the presence of a thin and long tube that is entered into the vagina. The operation is carried out without anesthesia, painful sensations are possible, as during menstruation. The doctor controls the process under the microscope, because even a small portion of the affected fabric can be ruined through time.

How to remove papillomas laser

For quick healing, a woman is prescribed candles with sea buckthorn oil and antiviral drugs. Before the operation, the accompanying infections should be accessed (milk, intestinal wand). A month after the procedure, a colposcopic study is recommended, this will make sure that the sections not treated with a laser. With extensive dysplasia, the removal of the laser can be carried out in several stages due to possible bleeding.

Before signing up in a cosmetology salon or clinic, visit the doctor of the dermatologist so that he finds out the nature of education. In some cases, it is impossible to remove the papillae laser.

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