How to remove polyps in the nose

How to remove polyps in the nose

Polyps in the nose are internal rounded benign neoplasms, due to which a person has a quality of life. He has such unpleasant symptoms as nasal congestion, infringement of smell, the strongest night snoring, abundant discharge from the nose, headaches. Why polyps occur, this is the topic of another conversation, but how they are removed, you will learn now.

Effectively polyps are removed only by surgical path, although there are folk methods. True, doctors say that any tumor than is a polyp, it is necessary to remove it decisively and radically, and not try to slow down its growth. In the end, the operation is not avoided, and it is better to make it faster. Moreover, today there are several methods for removing polyps, from which you can choose the right one.

Polypotomy - removal of a polyp cutting loop or crochet Lange. A surcharge is performed under local anesthesia, and several polyps can be removed by the same loop. Polypotomy is contraindicated with patients suffering from asthma - the operation can provoke an asthmatic attack.

Endoscopic removal or deletion of shader (so called the device, which removes the polyps). If polypotomy removes only the upper visible part of the polyp, then the so-called fabric site under a polype is destroyed using a shader. After removal, the wound will be deeper after removal, but on the place of the remote polyp will not grow new. At the request of the patient, the operation can pass under general anesthesia, but doctors prefer the local so that the patient can voicing his feelings. Contraindications: aggravation of chronic asthma and chronic bronchitis.

If the first two methods provide for the patient in the postoperative hospital, the laser removal of polyps occurs outpatient. Those. After drying the body of the polyp body with a laser beam, the patient can go home. The disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to remove multiple polyps, as you can dry all the nasal mucosa. Laser removal is not recommended to make pregnant women.

People's methods suggest all sorts of homemade ointments based on honey, propolis, essential oils and other natural products. But doctors sharpen attention that these products are strongest allergens. And almost all patients who have breathing problems, including due to the presence of polyps contributions, are allergic. So it is better to trust official medicine and not experiment with grandmother's methods.

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