How to use your nose correctly

How to use your nose correctly

Nose is the organ of our body, the role of which is often underestimated. It performs many functions and most people do not know how to use them. In this article you will learn the basic rules of conduct with your nose.

Why do we need a nose

Absolutely all organs and parts of our body have their own purpose. There is nothing superfluous in our body, everything is in its place. Even eyebrows are created to prevent drops of sweat in the eye. So the nose has its own task, which is multifaceted and complex. The main thing is the transit of air. Of course, we can breathe our mouth, but it is not easy for us to have this organ. Air, passing through the nasal passages, forms a turbulent movement that presses it to the mucous membrane. Contacting the mucous membrane, the air warms, moisturizes and is cleaned of foreign objects. Without this, cold, dry and dirty air would fall straight into the lungs, damaging them and adversely affect the entire body.

The sense of smell is another of its function, which is not inferior to the first most important. The receptors of the smell analyzer are in the depths of the upper nasal passage. They occupy no more than one square centimeter, but send tons of useful information to the brain. When processing, she gives us a subjective idea of \u200b\u200bthe aroma of morning coffee, the spirits of her beloved girl, about the thin notes of old wine.

Why can't you breathe your mouth

Everyone in childhood was told to breathe their nose. And the one who obeyed correctly did. If you do not use the nose in the act of breathing, you can harm yourself not only with dirty and cold air. If the child constantly breathes through his mouth, his teeth do not close. This can lead to the formation of an incorrect bite, which will result in crooked teeth.

In the body, all organs should work regularly. If this does not happen, they are atrophy or replaced by something else. Without using the nose, we provoke the growth of lymphoid tissue in its depths. This fabric is widely known to everyone as an adenoid. She overlaps the rear nasal holes, which makes it difficult to pass through them air and mucus. Such children are very easy to notice. They walk with a constantly open mouth and a clogged nose.

How to stop nasal bleeding correctly and quickly

With the development of nasal bleeding, we all use the same algorithm of action. We lie down or throw our heads, and then also shove all muck into the nostrils. Such actions are completely ridiculous.

About one centimeter, delving into the nostrils, the site rich in vessels is located. It is there that the vessels burst with an increase in blood pressure. After throwing his head back, we direct the flow of blood straight to the stomach. There it decomposes and emits harmful substances. And having eaten a cotton wool in the nose, we repeatedly injure the bleeding zone.

With bleeding, you need to tilt your head forward, while the blood will not flow into the esophagus. Further, the nostrils are pressed with the thumb and forefinger. This will mechanically stop the blood flow and save the mucous membrane from unnecessary injuries.
How to set up-roofing-iz
Using such simple rules, you can maintain free breathing, health and a beautiful smile. Breathe with your nose!

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