Foreign body in the nose

Foreign body in the nose

The ingredient of the foreign object in the nasal moves is quite often happening both with adults and with children. The reason for this may be a banal accident or risky games and fun, and a variety of items that may be in the nose, amazing imagination.

Foreign body in the nose in the child

Most often, third-party objects in the nose of the child fall due to the inattention of adults. Leave the baby with small objects, as well as toys that do not correspond to his age are very dangerous, because it can lead to undesirable consequences. Otolaryngologists allocate such a classification of objects that most often have to extract from nasal moves:

  • metal details of toys and household items;
  • objects of organic origin;
  • food particles and vomit;
  • insects.

The symptoms of the penetration of the foreign bodies in the cavity of the nasal stroke include:

  • itching, painful and uncomfortable feelings in the nose;
  • nasal swelling, sinuses and inflammation of the lacrimal channel;
  • nose bleed;
  • headache;
  • voting voices;
  • sneezing;
  • non-breathing difficulty.

Foreign body in a nose in an adult

The foreign body in the nose in an adult, as a rule, falls there by chance. Unlike a child, an adult can objectively assess the situation and, if possible, help remove the object from the nasal stroke. To do this, it is enough to close the free nostril with your finger and, deeply inhaling through the mouth, try to pour out a third-party air flow.

If it fails to remove the object by blowing, it means that the subject could penetrate on the nasal move above and can not be able to cope without the help of a specialist.

What to do if something got into the nasal move?

The first rule that should be observed when in the nasal stroke of a third-party subject is to keep calm and try not to exacerbate the situation. At the same time, as soon as possible, it is necessary to go to the hospital, where the otolaryngologist will examine the nasal moves and will appreciate the situation.

Depending on which it was the subject that it was in a bow and how far he managed to penetrate, a doctor will be installed and a further action plan. If the body has been able to penetrate the nasal move, then the doctor will most likely prescribe radiography, with the help of which it will definitely determine the location of the foreign object.

The method of examination with the help of X-ray will be effective only if the metal object hit the nose, any other on x-ray will simply be seen.

Assessing the situation, the doctor will determine how a third-party body will be made and whether the patient needs anesthesia. If the affected child, and the item deepened on the nasal move, then the anesthesia is likely to be mandatory.

In rare cases, the otolaryngologist commits a number of other events:

  • manipulation in several deposits of the nasal stroke in case of splitting an object into several parts;
  • treatment of the mucous membrane of the nasal adrenaline to remove the swelling;
  • study of the nasal stroke using the probe;
  • operational intervention.

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