Low body temperature what to do

Low body temperature what to do

Low body temperature can be a sign of serious illness, therefore, with this symptom, it is best to consult a doctor. But if it manifests it for a long time and is not accompanied by serious discomfort, you can first briefly find out what a similar condition occurs. What to do with a reduced body temperature and what is the reason - we will find out below.

Already at a temperature of about 29-30 degrees, a person is quite capable of losing consciousness and go to whom. But more often we can experience the negative impact of stress or overwork in the form of a decrease in temperature to 35-35.5 degrees, which is accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, lack of motivation to work or any other activity. However, in rare cases, if the patient feels normally, and the medical examination showed nothing, 35.5 is considered an individual physiological feature. In addition, if the thermometer kept in the right armpit, T remains slightly lower than in the left. When measuring through the oral cavity - somewhat higher, normal up to 37 degrees.

The body temperature changes during the day, and an excellent half of humanity - also in accordance with the ovulation cycle. Immediately after sleep or in front of it, the temperature should not be measured, since the body is preparing to go to the state of rest or has not yet come out of it. Below is only t about 6 in the morning. Here are some reasons for a possible lower:

  • stress, excitement, unexpected news;
  • bad nutrition, physical exhaustion;
  • reduced immunity and lack of vitamins;
  • transferred operation or long-term treatment.

You need to refer to the therapist if the symptom has not passed for 2 days. The doctor may make an ECG and will send for blood test, after which it will make its expert opinion. In more dangerous cases, it may be necessary to consult an oncologist, endocrinologist and other specialists. In any case, it is better not to pull and identify the disease at the earliest stage. And sometimes you can tribal not to notice that they frozen. Try to get dwelled and check this guess. Also, the cause of the decrease in body temperature may be a detrimental effect of alcohol. Namely - its long and excessive use.

How to independently increase body temperature? Of course, the conversation is not about "hot" drinks. You can only become from the chair and warm up, make a few exercises, straighten your back and deeply, measured. Sometimes massage will help to relax and lead states in the norm. Surprisingly, the reduced body temperature, together with irritability, headache and nausea is ready to serve as a symptom of pregnancy. And here are some serious diseases whose manifestation is low temperature:

  • liver diseases or adrenal glands;
  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • hepatitis C;
  • anemia;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning, mercury or heavy metals;
  • porphyry;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • pneumonia;
  • blood poisoning;
  • parasitic infections.

In children and babies, it often happens that the cold is noted at first a decrease in temperature, and then its increase. Treatment This recommends the standard - warm blanket, abundant drinking and boards. Rubbing is better to avoid.

As we saw, a decrease in temperature can mean completely different things - from innocuous fatigue to a serious disease. Therefore, to keep your health, consult with a specialist regarding each problem exciting you. Diseases identified at an early stage usually pass pretty quickly and painlessly.

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