Poisoning paint couples what to do

Poisoning paint couples what to do

Poisoning in paints, as a rule, occurs with long painting works in a room that is not ventilated without personal protective equipment. At the same time, harmful pairs of solvents fall into the respiratory tract: acetone, solvent, carbon tetrachloride and other substances. They are absorbed into the blood and affect the lungs, the brain and the liver.

It is important to determine in time that there has been intoxicating the body. Signs of this are: burning, redness and dry eyes, cough, shortness of breath, nasopharynx swelling, nausea, vomiting, liver pain, severe headache, pallor, dizziness, disorientation, weakness, loss of consciousness. In addition to these symptoms, specific, depending on the poisonous substance, which has affected the body can be observed. The state of the euphoria and the confusion of consciousness may be present, as with alcoholic intoxication.

If you notice signs of poisoning in pairs of paints, you should urgently assist the victim. First of all, it is important to bring a person from a closed room for fresh air. In extreme cases, at least open windows and doors to ventilate the room.

It is also necessary to remove with the victims of the upper clothes. This is important because the fabric can absorb poisonous substances. After a person gets rid of the upper clothes, it should be covered with a warm blanket.

It is recommended to wash with clean running water, rinse your eyes and open areas of the body.

If the victim is in consciousness, provide it with abundant warm (36 degrees) drink. Try to cause vomiting. After that let's drink some sorbent, for example, activated carbon.

If inxication is severe, then a person may be unconscious. Then it must be put on the stomach and turn the head. This is done so that the victim in case of vomiting does not choose, as well as so that the language does not want.

If the breath is weak, and the heart rhythm is lowered, you need to make a person indirect heart massage and artificial respiration.

In any case, after the first prefigible assistance of the victim, you must be delivered to the hospital. Moreover, if we are talking about severe cases with loss of consciousness.

Further treatment of poisoning will take on doctors in the hospital. The victim will pass procedures for cleansing the lungs and stomach, and the glucose intravenously will be introduced. If the case of intoxication was heavy, special therapy is assigned, designed to improve the work of the liver and heart.

Health care

It is much easier to warn paint evaporation poisoning than to treat it. To do this, it is important to comply with the elementary rules of individual protection when working with paintwork: work in clothing, which fully protects all parts of the body from toxic effects; Hands must be protected by gloves, eyes - plastic transparent glasses; It follows in the respirator. In the room where work is carried out, you need to ensure that there is ventilation. Regularly make breaks and go out on fresh air. In no case can not be in the work room to store food.

Incication of paint pairs can have a significant human health damage. If it does not take measures to eliminate the factors that cause intoxication, the victim can even go to whom, which will lead to a fatal outcome. Therefore, it is impossible to challenging the prevention measures during painting work.

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