What to give a child in poisoning

What to give a child in poisoning

When a child complains about pain in his stomach, any parent begins to worry. If all signs indicate poisoning, it is important to urgently help the little. Pharmacological industry is a huge assortment of drugs, so it's not wonderful to get confused that to offer a child in poisoning.

Make sure that the child is really poisoning, because encephalitis, meningitis, etc. fall under symptomatics. The main signs of the disease are vomiting, a liquid chair, pallor of covers, a reduced amount of urination, apathy, as well as a refusal of food. Look in the first-aid kit the following medicines that will help the baby in poisoning:

  • Cope with nausea will help "Mezim-Forte" or "Creon 10,000";
  • From diarrhea, give "Primaofmülus";
  • "Lactofilm" contributes to the withdrawal of toxins from the body.

To get rid of the pathogenic environment in the intestine, give the child with a solution "Polysorba". Or activated carbon tablets so that they began to act faster - grind them. Do not use opposing agents, because Using vomiting and liquid stool, the body is released from infection. It is not necessary to use a solution of manganese. The mucousness of the gastrointestinal tract in children is sensitive. A well-mixed solution may contain potassium permanganate particles, which threatens burns.

Increased temperature indicates the struggle of the body with pathogenic infection. And yet, if the column of the thermometer rose above 38 ° C, urgently knock it down. To do this, use the rectal candles "Cefecon" or rub the baby's body with warm water. Constantly measure the temperature, it can quickly increase.

Be sure to give a child when poisoning a lot of drinks, because With vomit and wheel masses, liquid and salts from the body are leaving. This leads to dehydration having negative consequences, up to death. To drink many, small portions. For every 15 minutes, offer 20 ml of liquid to a child. It is recommended when poisoning to drink ordinary water, a decoction of richness or rice, a water-saline solution "REGIDOR". If nothing turned out of the proposed funds, prepare the water and saline. Take 1 tsp. Salt salt and 1 tsp. Food soda. Add them in 1 l warm water.

No appointment, the doctor is better not to take medicines. As a rule, pediatricians prescribe a child in poisoning antimicrobial drugs, enterosorbents, as well as means for restoring intestinal microflora. Mainly:

  • "Smekta";
  • "Enterfuril";
  • "Linex";
  • "Motilium".

For the recovery period, the kid must comply with the diet. If the child has already served independently, make sure that he does not find the forbidden food in the refrigerator - bakery, sweets, cabbage, beans. Limit the use of fermented milk products. Cook soups, porridge, light salads. If the child categorically refuses to eat, do not insist. Better offer later.

Now you know what to give a child with poisoning. And in the case of an unforeseen situation, you can competently assist.

Comments leave a comment
Inna 11/03/2018 at 16:40

My child in my opinion was poisoned ((((((I came from the birthday of a friend and feels no matter. I give water, and what else? Che in his head nothing comes.

Irina Vanyushina 12/03/2018 at 15:57

Inna, this is right, but even if not in the first-aid kit, it is better to buy enterosorbent. In such situations, it is simply indispensable, since it removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. I always have an enterosgel standing on the shelf, suddenly poisoning, and helps very well. Get well!


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