What to do with poisoning

What to do with poisoning

Poisoning is manifested by the symptoms of general intoxication of the victim: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, dizziness and sharp increase in temperature. For acute poisoning, a violation of coordination of movements and convulsions is characterized, in the absence of emergency medical care, complications are possible and even a fatal outcome. Therefore, it is necessary to know the sequence of actions in poisoning with various groups of substances.

To poison poor-quality products is a simple and common matter. Milk and dairy products, meat and semi-finished products are most dangerous in terms of the possibility of poisoning. It is recommended not to use them without prior quality heat treatment. What to do with food poisoning:

  • Clear stomach. If there are vomit urge, do not need to stop them. Thus, the body gets rid of poisons on him independently. In order to cause vomiting, you can drink a large amount of liquid or put pressure on the root of the language.
  • It is necessary to accept the adsorbent - the drug that will absorb and dismiss the remaining toxins and poison from the body. The most common became "activated carbon". Recognition he won low cost and relative security, it is used even in the treatment of children from two years. But this drug has a weak disinfecting effect, so you need to take several tablets at the same time in the calculation of 1 pc. by 10 kg patient weight. Modern drugs, such as "Smekt", "Attaceyl", "Phospholyugel", "Enterosgel", Polysorb, have a large effect of disintellation with smaller amounts of drug use. In folk medicine, decoctions of apples and pomegranate are used to relieve symptoms of organism poisoning.
  • With vomiting and diarrhea, a person loses a large amount of liquid. It is necessary to increase water consumption up to 3-4 liters per day for an adult. It is advisable to drink mineral water without gas or dissolve electrolytes in water: "REGIDROON", "Electrolyte Human". Drinking often in small portions.
  • If the condition does not improve or have such symptoms such as violation of vision, coordination of movements, speech, omission of the eyelid, breaking disruption - immediately it is worth calling medical care. If you suggest poisoning, mushrooms also do not need to postpone the doctor's call.

Poisoning carbon monoxide and household gas is dangerous in that the poison gradually and imperceptibly penetrates the blood. First of all, it is recommended to move the patient for fresh air. If possible, it is necessary to eliminate gas leakage in the goal preventing the explosion. Symptoms of gas poisoning are dizziness, headache, tearing, cough, nausea, vomiting, expansion of pupils, drowsiness. In severe cases, there is a loss of consciousness, the difficulty of breathing and disruption of the heart. You can lead to the mind of the victim with the help of ammonia alcohol. With a violation of breathing or stopping cardiac activity, the heart massage will be required.

Treatment of poisoning with medical preparations depends on the substance that caused the pathological state. To proper prescribing treatment, it is necessary to know what medicine a person was poisoned. Various drugs are manifested by different symptoms and require individual medical prescriptions. Neutralize the manifestations of the poisoning substance preparations of reverse action. Characteristic symptoms with medication poisoning: weakness, violation of the processes of the central nervous system, drowsiness, skin pallor, neurotic breathing, narrowing of pupils. Proponial assistance in medication poisoning:

  • Give a drink salted water (near the liter).
  • Call artificially vomiting.
  • Drink adsorbent.
  • Put the patient on the stomach, head on the side. It is impossible to assume that the victim fell asleep.
  • With the loss of consciousness, to spend your nose with a vat with ammonia alcohol.
  • Before the help of help, check the patient's pulse and breathing. If necessary, conduct an indirect heart massage, artificial respiration.

Assistance in poisoning with alkalis and acids, mercury:

  • Acids: salt, sulfur, soldering, nitrogen, acetic. Symptoms: Chemical burns of varying degrees of lips, mucosa of the mouth and pharynx, vomiting with blood admixture, elevated body temperature, difficulty breathing and swallowing, pain in burn places, shock is possible. This type of poisoning requires an immediate challenge of medical care. Before the arrival of doctors carefully rinse the influence-affected areas of the body with cool water. Fractionally drink cold water, swallowing ice cubes, rinse the mouth with weak soda or furacin. It is impossible to allow vomiting - the poison will rehydrate the surface again.
  • Alkali: Lime, rare potassium, ammonia (ammonia alcohol), caustic sodium. Symptoms: green shade vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood impurities, rapid heartbeat. Weak acid solutions neutralize alkalis. Drinking small portions of milk, orange and lemon juice, to use sunflower oil and proteins of raw eggs. Vomiting, as in acid poisoning, it is impossible to call.
  • Poisoning of mercury couples. The characteristic symptoms of poisoning are a metal taste in the mouth, pain under swallowing, bleeding and dumility of the gum, vomiting, weakness. The patient must be transferred to fresh air. Clean the stomach with vomiting. Give water with dissolved sulfur compounds. Accept adsorbent.

Alcohol poisoning, in addition to the toxic influence on the organism of ethyl alcohol, dangerous weakness and passivity of the victim - the probability will choose from the vomit masses, a sudden stop of breathing and heart. Treatment is the same as in poisoning food. It is only necessary to take into account that a person in a state of intoxication cannot control its actions, inadequately refers to what is happening. It is necessary to constantly observe the patients in order to prevent the deterioration of the state. It is possible to provoke vomiting "Pop" - in a glass of water add lemon juice, sugar, half a teaspoon of soda, quickly give a drink. Adsorbents will help: Algisorb, Polyfepan, Neosmectin, Recitzen - RD.

The main rule in poisoning by any substances is to drink plenty of water. Poisoning is a great stress for the stomach and for the body as a whole. To restore the forces, the next few days need to adhere to a strict dietary diet. No one is insured against poisoning by those or other substances. Knowing a sequence of actions in an emergency, you can help yourself, and perhaps the other person save life.

Comments leave a comment
Valentina 05/29/2015 at 21:46.

From enterosgel moved to the filter, the pills are more convenient, earlier Tuba tuskla, now a little pack, but the consequences according to the laws of meanness are usually not at home, so it is more convenient to drag a plate with pills.

The male 05/31/140

Never eat in the eaters and all sorts of Shaurnian, even if the circumstances are forced a better fear. Believe someone else's experience! Well, or always keep filter with yourself))

Preject 05/31/2015 at 21:11

Work in permanent business trips, in hotels you yourself understand feed, as hit, have to be on a check. With you always duty aid kit with filter and neosmectin

Polina Grigorovskaya 05/31/2015 at 21:29

I am terribly disgusting and at all try not anywhere else, except for the house. Even in a good restaurant, if I eat somewhere, I still take a filter with you, you never know that (I have a sister in the SES, there are such stories)

Slave Isaura 05/31/2015 at 21:40

I can't stuff a black tablet mountain. I can't swallow them entirely, but you will start to go to the black teeth to smile with the colleagues. I think it is generally some kind of remnant of the past. In the working aid kit, our office is stable filter and neosmectin, from diarrhea and gold, so to speak :)

Marina 07/13/2015 at 13:53

It is necessary to ensure that you use and pay attention to the quality of products. But if the conversation went, then take a polysorb, there is no better drug in poisoning!

Victoria 03/09/2015 at 11:41.

Here with my husband and friends went to rest, I poisoned on the very first day. It suffered terrible, my friend gave her herbal pickup phytogastrol, I was directly quickly reached, a very effective tool was. Now I will definitely be in the first-aid kit to keep it.

Ira 16/11/2015 at 16:09

After drunk, I had a terrible poisoning, friends gave me any drugs, but I didn't help me, but I found such a medicine: the polystor and I almost immediately became much better than thanks to Polysorb.

Basil 04/17/2016 at 12:25

Ira, if your friends were given an enterosgel, it would be much better. In general, girls should not drink so much if it came to the poisoning, but if you still do it, buy enterosorbent, well, the same enterosgel, it and harmful substances and toxins and well-being are much easier with him.

Olya 03/15/2018 at 14:52

Good tips in the article correct.

Lena 03/16/2018 at 12:39

I do not agree about the coal, after all, it also displays useful substances, too, why in the period of poisoning to select trace elements and minerals at this moment? I am for enterosgel, he does not withdraw anything other than toxins and harmful substances. The thing is that you need.


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