How to treat a child's urchin

How to treat a child's urchin

Does your child have a rash all over the whole body in the form of red dots? If there are no other signs, such as temperature and chills, most likely, this is an allergic reaction, the people called "Harpivny". If this is so, then there is nothing terrible in it, but I will definitely have the necessary treatment in time.

In fact, the wretched is one of the types of allergies. Today there is no single opinion, how to treat it, but the most loyal approach is timely elimination of the cause of the occurrence. If you recently entered your child a new lure or changed the hygiene tool, the answer is obvious - it is possible to exclude what they tried. Very often there is an allergic reaction after the vaccination arises, in this case everything is also clear. In addition, the common causes of the appearance of urticaria are: the impact of sunlight on the gentle skin of the baby or against the background of diseases of the digestive system (for example, dysbacteriosis). However, such cases are found when parents cannot figure out: as a result, the child has such a reaction, and what you need to do with it.

So, you discovered a sudden appearance of a rash on your child's skin. The best option will visit the doctor or at least his advice on the phone. As a rule, if the situation requires an immediate decision, then the pediatricians prescribe antihistamines (for example, phenyatil, suprastin, diazoline, and others), which depends on the age of the child and its condition. This will help to remove swelling and burning and will not allow the reaction to spread to other parts of the body. To improve the condition of the child, it is recommended to buy it in a warm bath with the addition of brave brands and nettle. If you have noticed a strong swelling on the skin, when you resolve a doctor, give the child a diuretic, as well as sorbents in the form of activated carbon, smects, lackers, etc. The above indications are "ambulance" tools when the strongest urticaria occurs.

If you are witnessing a minor appearance of rash, but with developing dynamics, the only right solution will fulfill a set of measures to combat this ailment. Namely:

  1. Eliminate allergen (which, in your opinion, caused a reaction);
  2. Clear the body (minimum heavy food, more fluid);
  3. Hold pharmacotherapy;
  4. Observe a diet.

Remember that precisely to identify allergens in the power only with the help of blood test. If you can't eliminate the stimulus yourself, it is recommended to pass tests in order to speed up the process of recovery.

Try to create a pleasant atmosphere for the treatment of your baby, namely: minimum stress, more positive emotions. Do not forget to give general cleaning, get rid of dust, dirt, wool and other types of allergens. If there are pets, then kid's chat with them should be enhanced. Use for hygiene only proven tools from the children's series. Smoking and other sharp odors can only aggravate the process of treating the child, so avoid it.

The most important element of the struggle against the urban is the right nutrition. This is especially true of cases when it is caused by the food allergen. In this situation, a hypoallergenic diet will be held in urgency for a minimum within 14 days. If the child is on breastfeeding, the power regime must support mom, so that exclude allergen in breast milk. It is important not to eat: acute, salted, flour, sweet. It should be fresh food in the form of boiled meat and vegetables, fermented milk products and some fruits. The approximate menu may look like this:

  • For breakfast - fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir);
  • For lunch - soups (from rabbit meat, turkey or veal). You can eat roasted bread or loaf;
  • For dinner - boiled vegetables, kasya on water (buckwheat, corn, rice). It is possible to add vegetable or butter in minor quantities;
  • As a "snack": from fruits - you can bake an apple (green variety). Sugar replace fructose.

Allergens should be completely eliminated in the form of honey, nuts, milk, red products, canned food, strong tea and coffee. If you notice that the child is amended, gradually enter other products into the kid diet.

Now you know almost everything about such a disease, like "urticaria", and methods of dealing with her. However, self-treatment is not to be carried away, and if the positive dynamics of recovery is not observed - you should consult a doctor.

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