How to treat multicolored deprived

How to treat multicolored deprived

Multicolored deprived - aesthetically unpleasant disease. And most often, young people are sick, aged 16 to 40 years old. Lishe affects the top layer of the epidermis. Non-hazardous disease, but delivering psychological and aesthetic discomfort. The aggravation of the disease, as a rule, is in the summer season. Since the Sun contributes to the development of fungus.

Causes of multicolored linga

Regarding the reasons due to which the fungus appears, it may be a genetic predisposition. As well as intestinal diseases, respiratory organs, nervous system or increased sweating. Quite often, fungus is also manifested in women who take contraceptive, oral pills. More than half of the patients suffer from high sweating, which leads to the disease. Stress may also cause illness. Lishe can manifest themselves and in lovers of a solarium or sunbathing under the sun.

Signs of multicolored linga

Multicolored deprived has some similarity with diseases such as a fungus of a sweet and vitiligo disease. For an accurate diagnosis, it is worth contacting a dermatologist, which with the help of a wood lamp and iodine sample will be able to reliably confirm the presence of deprivation. For the initial stage of determining the fungus it is worth paying attention to such symptoms as stains. They can be different shades (yellow, brown, sometimes pink). With the development of the disease, the lesions are becoming more. Brown spots do not protrude above the skin and do not bother. Only sometimes there may be a minor itching, accompanied by peeling of the skin.

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Place of defeat with multi-colored deprived

Most often, it can be found on the back, neck, shoulders, hands or stomach. Meets on the head. At the same time, the hair does not change their properties or colors. The fungus is not infectious if you do not wear the clothes of the patient or not to use it.

Treatment of multicolored linga

Antifungal drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments, lotions or solutions. Their composition usually includes salicylovo - resorcin alcohol, iodine and others. Most often, deprive is treated with combined drugs, including antifungal and anti-face components. Clotrimazole, microsl, ketoconazole, Mekosptin are common. Ointment is applied to deprive 2 times a day. Also wipe foci by salycyl alcohol (3%). Oral preparations, like fluconazole, are effectively struggling with fungus. Shampoo nipped or ketochenazole are prescribed for washing the head. In order for the treatment to be successful, you need to take care of the change of linen as a native and bed. After passing treatment on the skin there is no spots.

Folk remedies in the treatment of colored deprivation

Western is the ointment based on tar or sulfur ointment. This procedure is inconvenient. Since the smell of ointments is unpleasant and it is difficult to wash off. Infusions from the calendula, Celebre, the Hypericum give a positive result in the treatment. Cellular or apple vinegar is also effective in combating fungus. If deprived the big skin sections, then infusions from herbs are recommended to add to the water for the bathroom.

Prevention of multicolored linga

Recommended to disinfect bed linen by boiling and ironing. It is worth replacing the washbasinwaters in the bathroom. On vacation you need to use only your towel and take a shower after visiting the beach. It will be worthwhile to use sunscreens. It is not worth sunbathing all day, but only before the onset of heat and after lunch.

It is important not to engage in independent diagnosis and self-treatment. In order to save time and money, it is worth contacting a dermatologist who will not only give the correct diagnosis, but also gives recommendations for treatment.

Comments leave a comment
Mila 19/09/2019 at 9:43.

Lishe is just a nightmare, honestly !!! And where does this nasty come from, you will not understand ... I seem to have watched the hygiene and stuff did not wear things, but she picked up. It was treated with a solution of Mizol-like the first spots showed up, immediately went to the hospital, I prescribed this medicine. Indeed, the disease passes almost asymptomaticly, but it was not very pleasant to me.


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