How to get rid of the shelter

How to get rid of the shelter

Get rid of the shelter (herpes) needed and complex. All measures should be directed to the elimination of the pathogen, the elimination of itching and pain, the repayment of the inflammatory process, the decrease in the intricensation of the body.

Related immunity patient helps to activate the virus. To strengthen the body's life forces, B and C vitamins are recommended. Nutrition during treatment it is necessary to diversify, including vegetables and fruits, especially citrus. Exclude fried, sharp, fish products, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

Treatment requires the immediate use of antiviral drugs that block the reproduction of extracellular organisms. Most often doctors are prescribed acyclovir, valtarex and blinkers.

Together with antiviral drugs, infectiousists prescribe drugs for removing swelling and pain syndrome, as the virus causes the patient to feel wild pain. These can be hormonal anti-inflammatory or non-steroid drugs. The type of medication and its dosage is selected individually after the examination and consultation with the attending physician.

After suppressing rashes on the skin, neuropathologists continue.

Folk Medicine is rich in recipes for the treatment of a shearing linguing. For example, remove inflammation, swelling and itching will help daily bath taking with sea salt. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, several drops of iodine are added to the water.

Antonio Danna Sea Salt Use How to Apply

Nine, wormwood, pyrhy and cleanliness will help to deal with the virus. A decoction of any of the listed herbs is watted by a gauze napkin, sprinkled with a small amount of table salt. Then the napkin is applied to the inflamed area, and is covered with a wool handkerchief from above.

The concentrated apple vinegar is considered as effective. For 3-5 minutes from the date of the acid applying, the long-awaited relief comes. The procedure is repeated 4-5 times a day.

To strengthen the vitality, tincture on the Willow Court is drinking. 1 tbsp. The crushed bark is poured 200 g of boiling water. An hour is withstanding an hour, after which it takes 50 g 3 times a day before meals.

The best prophylaxis of the shelter linguing is hardening, an active lifestyle, long-term stay in the fresh air and vaccination.

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