Delet at Psoriase

Delet at Psoriase

Delet - the substance obtained during the dry distillation of wood. Its composition contains aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones and oils. Due to these substances, it is successfully used in dermatology in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and seborrhea.

With the advent of hormonal ointments, doctors forgot about this miracle tool for a while. But due to the fact that corticosteroids have a number of contraindications and they need to be used with caution in the treatment of children, the interest in Degty resumed. For the treatment of psoriasis, soap, shampoo, tar-based ointment, will be consolidated.

Delet at Psoriase

Can be purchased in a pharmacy birch to tar and apply compresses on the affected skin. It is advisable not to use a substance during the exacerbation. The best results are observed in the treatment of chronic psoriasis and eczema in the remission. You can reduce the redness with corticosteroids, and it is necessary to hammer the rash.

Delet at Psoriase

In the treatment of psoriasis on the hair part of the body makes sense to use shampoo with this substance. Do not apply a means to face, acquire special ointments with this component. Degty-based drugs can be bought at the pharmacy or prepare on their own. Perfectly copes with psoriasis on the head ointment from sour cream. Mix in equal amounts sour cream and tar. Apply a product on your hair and go so 20-60 minutes. After that, wash the mask. To strengthen the hair on the head, what is relevant in psoriasis, you can add castor oil or a few drops of vitamin A.

Delet at Psoriase

Do not use the substance in the folds of the skin should "breathe." Keep in mind, tar enhances the action of ultraviolet light on the skin, so on hot days, wear closed clothes. You can not prepare ointment, and buy them at the pharmacy. Now on sale a lot of assets presented on the basis of tar, including ointment Kon'kova, Vishnevsky and Pikadol. All of them have an unpleasant odor, so the application must be flush with the skin before going outdoors.

Delet at Psoriase

Psoriasis can be cured with the help of pure birch tar. Soft brush or cotton swab to rub agent in psoriatic plaques. Keep application on the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse. You may feel a slight burning sensation, it's okay, do not rush to wash off the ointment. After compress, apply to the affected area lanolin based ointment (salicylic, boric).

Delet at Psoriase

Action tar on the skin:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • righting;
  • podsushivayuschee;
  • antimicrobial.

This material prevents excessive growth of skin cells, which occurs in psoriasis occurs. Try to achieve a softening of psoriatic plaques. To this end, prior to application to take a warm bath with herbal decoctions.

Delet at Psoriase

For the treatment of psoriasis on the head, you can use a mask on the basis of honey. Heat the honey in a water bath and add 2 tablespoons of tar and castor oil. When the mass has cooled, pour 1 egg white. Rub the mask into the hair roots. Keep color means you need 20 minutes, and then you must rinse with warm water. A gloss blond hair rinse hair decoction of chamomile.

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