How to apply oxoline ointment

How to apply oxoline ointment

Oxoline ointment is a classic means for the prevention of ARVI and flu. This is especially true in the cold season, when the street is raw or a strong frost.

For many years, oxolin ointment is a wrecker-grinding during seasonal colds. She was used yet by our moms, and now we are smearing the spout of our children in order to protect them from a variety of infections.

Third children

Cold winter necessarily 2-3 times a day. Treat the nasal cavity 0, 25% oxoline ointment. Do not forget about it before every exit to the street.

Oxoline ointment has a weak irritating effect, so immediately after applying it, an unpleasant plug may appear in the nose. It passes in a few minutes.

Fourth application

An oxolin ointment, in addition to its prophylactic application against ARVI, also well helps in the treatment of stomatitis, which often come from young children.

Fifth Stomatitis

Before treating the ulceration in the mouth, they must be carefully free from crusts. You can remove them with a cotton swab, with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. Next, the mouth should rinse the chamomile decoction, and then apply an oxolin oxoline ointment for each ulcer.

Oxolin ointment should be in each house, especially if there are small children in the family. At the same time, do not forget about improving the immunity of each family member, and this is a reception of vitamins, hardening and a good mood.

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