Herpes in language what to do

Herpes in language what to do

Herpes on the lips are often called "cold", but it is not quite the correct wording. Since herpes is an infectious disease that can affect many parts of the body. The most unpleasant manifestation of this ail is the defeat of the tongue and the oral cavity.

First of all, it should be understood that it provokes the appearance of herpes. These are supercooling or overheating, colds, stress, violation of personal hygiene rules, imminent immunity, HIV. To avoid the transition of herpes from the passive stage in active, if you exclude the above risk factors.

It is important to initially determine for sure whether the rashes are in the Herpes language, which is also called herpetic stomatitis. Explicit signs will be rashes in the form of painful bubbles, swelling may appear, there are erosion in their center with a fragile raid. Also in more severe cases, the temperature may rise. Determine the nature of rashes in the language is best able to the doctor - as a rule, a dentist or therapist.

He treated from herpes once and is forever impossible. This virus, settling in the body, will never leave him. However, there are quite a few drugs that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms with herpes exacerbations. It is possible to treat herpes in the language with the help of several tactics: symptomatic treatment, antiviral agents, abundant drink, as well as immuno-fixing agents.

If herpes in the language is so brightly pronounced that he struck even the throat and it makes it difficult for a swallowing process, then the patient should provide abundant drink in the form of sweet compotes and teas in order to maintain strength due to the restrictions.

Good reviews in the fight against herpes deserved the drug "Acyclovir". Apply the ointment into the tongue and the oral cavity, of course, is inconvenient, however. It is simply a thin layer to lubricate damaged places and hold open mouth for 5 minutes. Then remove the medicine and carefully rinse with water.

The immunomodulators will help to accelerate the suppression of the virus, for example, interferon, viriferon, hyaferon and others. True, it makes no sense to use these medicines for treating herpes in children under 6 years old. Their immune system is unknown, and its artificial gain will not result.

Clear tongue and mouth mucosa from the fly will help enzymes, such as holisal, loccaner. Also, it will be useful to carry out regular treatment of an antiseptic cavity, for example, a hexoral.

Do not forget about natural immunomodulators. It's ginseng, Eleutherococcus. There are a lot of funds to combat this ailment and folk medicine. So, you can lubricate ulcers whipped egg protein 3-5 times a day.

You can use as an ointment pharmacy tincture of propolis. Ranks need to be lubricated to the agent of about 4 times a day.

Also used in folk medicine juice of garlic and bow. They need to wipe rash several times a day.

For rinsing of the mouth, you can use the beams of the Hypericum, chamomile. Lubricate the lesion areas - fir and sea buckthorn oils. To remove unpleasant symptoms, it is allowed to handle ulcers with oxoline and zinc oats.

To avoid regular herpes rashes, it is necessary to manage the right way of life if possible, as well as take immunostimulants. It is very important to monitor the hygiene oral cavity - to have a separate dishes from unfamiliar people and refrain from kisses with herpes sick in the active phase.

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Natalia 05/12/2015 at 9:41.

I will insert my five kopecks)))) Mirismine splashing into the language where herpes jumped out, and the ointment of Infogel smear, she just with Interferon. And do not try to squeeze herpes in no way! I once squeezed on the lip, so he jumped into my second ((((((and it would be better to eat balanced, so that there was no avitaminosis.

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