How to treat thrush in men

How to treat thrush in men

The thrush (candidiasis) meets in men not as often as representatives of a beautiful sex. Most patients do not even suspect that the carriers of infections. In the manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to undergo an integrated examination, as Candidiasis may indicate a more serious illness of the sexual system.

Due to the fact that men's genitals are located outside, they are less likely infected. Even when infected with the sick partner, Candidiasis can independently go through. In the men's body, mushrooms are less comfortable due to a reduced level of humidity and temperature in the area of \u200b\u200bthe foreskin. If infection occurred, this indicates a reduced immunity or a concomitant disease of the genital organs.

How to treat thrush in men

Note, it is not necessary to have sexual contact with an infected woman. Candidiasis may occur when the body is supercouped, reducing immunity and stress. Therefore, do not hurry to blame the partner and suspect it in relations on the side. Reception of antibiotics can cause the development of candidiasis.

How to treat candidiasis? For this, there are systemic and local drugs. Usually the doctor appoints a comprehensive treatment. Fluconazole, Fuzis, Nystatin fit inwards. To treat outdoor genital organs, it is possible to use Cream Clotrimazole, ketoconazole or pimafucine. Please note the medication is necessary after putting the smear on the sensitivity to the antibiotic. Some drugs do not work with respect to certain types of mushrooms. You will not see the result and you can provoke the appearance of superinfection. For treatment there is no need to be in the hospital, the disease can be overcome and at home. It is advisable to refrain from sex contacts or use a condom while taking medication.

How to treat thrush in men

Folk medicine funds will help reduce itching and will greatly facilitate the state. Excellent relieves the symptoms of the thrush, a weak solution of food soda. Dissolve a teaspoon of substances in warm water and treat the penis. Be sure to delay the extreme flesh and wash the whole plaque and curls of cotton clocks. You can handle the penager with a chamomile decar. Decorations and baths are used as additional medicines together with the reception of antifungal drugs. Exclude alcohol, as it worsens the effectiveness of treatment.

Is it necessary to be treated if there are no symptoms of the disease, and the partner is infected? Yes, treatment is necessary, due to the possibility of re-infection of the woman. Despite the lack of symptoms, a man is a carrier of the disease. In the case of a chronic candidiasis, a woman is preferably preferably to use a condom during sexual intercourse.

How to treat thrush in men

It is not necessary to engage in self-medication, because most of the antifungal drugs has a mass of side effects. Be sure to sign up for the reception to the doctor and hand over the bakposev to determine the sensitivity to the antibiotic. During treatment, we wash the genitals daily and change cotton linen. Try to avoid close trousers and melts from synthetic materials.

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