How to treat ovarian inflammation

How to treat ovarian inflammation

Inflammation of ovarian - consequences transferred abortions, low immunity, supercooling, stressful states, hormonal failure or lesion of genital organs, urogenital system, abdominal cavity infectious diseases. Effective treatment is appointed depending on the source of damage to organs.

At The inflammation of the ovarian needs to eliminate unprotected sexual bond, minimize the stressful situations, replenish the diet with vitamins of natural origin, which contribute to the strengthening of immunity, since the body has to undergo treatment with antibiotics.

To you You should contact the family doctor or therapist to refer to the competent specialist. After the tests, the analysis will be made on the subsequent treatment. If the inflammation of the ovarian on the initialstages and did not touch other appendages, there is a chance to limit reception Antibiotics of a narrow spectrum of action.

Along the way, the doctor will appoint painful preparations containing ibuprofen with antibacterial drugs. Also taken to appoint antihistamines funds To avoid allergic manifestations.

If According to the results of analyzes, the doctor will see a possible threat of inflammation of the appendages, then you will be appointed UHF procedures, UFO blood and possibly electrophoresis. If the cause of inflammation was infections transmitted by sexual ways, then effectively apply therapy, which affects the combination of organs and systems. For example, erythromycin acts on the flora living in an oxygen medium. To similar preparations include Amoxiclav., Ceftriaxone and etc.

Metronidazole. with a valid substance nitroimidazole Actively counteracts the spread and viability of gonducts, that is, organisms that can dwell in an oxygenous medium. Also taken to prescribe antifungal drugs. Effective in most cases specialists call Nystatin, Diflucan. The first few days are injected through injections under the supervision of doctors. If after the next analyzes, the improvement is noticeable, it means that the patient is transferred to the tableted means.

Inflammation of the uterus of the ovarian

If you have inflammation of the ovaries, you should not reach the profile specialist right away, and it is better to immediately contact your profile specialist. The first symptoms (pain, tingling in the stomach) is already a reason to go to the doctor. Do not independently resort to the treatment of folk medicine, this is not the fact that you can experiment in the hope of a good result.

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