How to treat the erosion of the cervix

How to treat the erosion of the cervix

The erosion of the cervix - the disease is common, however, from being not less serious. This pathology is a defect of the mucosa of the cervix.

Types of erosion of cervix

Eliminate the following types of erosion:

  • True. It is distinguished by the presence of a bright-scarlet surface of an indefinite shape around the outer opening of the cervical channel, bleed due to touch. In this case, therapy is not appointed, and it is recommended to repeated visits after 1-2 weeks. During this period, erosion either passes independently or turns into pseudo-erosion.
  • Pseudo-erosion. It is characterized by the presence of a stable inflammatory process. The absence of treatment can lead to dysplasia (reincarnation of cells) and malignant formations. In the case of its diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed.
  • Congenital. In some cases, the cervical epithelium moves beyond the channel still in the process of the intrauterine development of a woman. Control of this state makes it possible to estimate the need for therapy.

The choice of the method of treating erosion depends on the severity and extensity of the lesions of the mucous membrane. The purpose of treatment is to remove the affected areas, lifting inflammation, but the most important thing is to eliminate the reasons that caused this pathology.

Methods for treating erosion cervix

Simultaneously with therapy aimed at eliminating the reasons that caused the erosion of the cervix, treatment is carried out directly affected areas.

Medicia treatment

Medical treatment implies local impact on the hearth disease. The following manipulations were widespread:

  • Application of chemicals in the form of applications (Solkovagin).
  • Vaginal irrigation (preparations of Wagotyl, Sangvirrin).
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments.
  • Tampons with oil solid chlorophyllip.

After the chemical ignition procedure, a course of rehabilitation therapy is performed using ointments (for example, solcossurile ointment).


  • Electro-generation (diathermocoagulation) - electric shock. Very painful method, leaves the scar. It is forbidden to conduct annoying women, since the scar can prevent the cervical disclosure in childbirth. Recovery period is long - up to three months.
  • Radio waves (bulk surgery) is the most effective technology. On the affected areas, the ultra-high frequency oscillations are exposed. The procedure occurs without pain, does not leave scars. The optimal choice for the born women. Recovery period - up to one and a half months.
  • Cryodestruction is a freezing technology using liquid nitrogen. The modified areas affect ultra-low temperatures, freeing them to a healthy tissue. Possible small painful sensations, the scars does not remain. Before and after the procedure, antiseptics are applied (candles). Not suitable in cases of deep lesion of tissues. This method is distinguished by a relatively short period of rehabilitation - month.
  • Laser coagulation - impact on the affected areas with a laser. Before carrying out the manipulation, a thorough sanitation of mucous membranes is necessary. The technique is painless, does not leave scars. Not recommended to open women. The recovery period lasts about one and a half months.
  • Conization. This procedure involves the removal of the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected organ. The most common indication for its conduct is the suspicion of the malignant process or the presence of such.

Timely treatment of disorders leading to a change in tissues significantly reduces the risk of development of malignant processes.

Comments leave a comment
Chloe. 19/11/2021 at 20:37

In most cases, it is not even necessary to treat .... It is quite the norm for a particular woman. So if there are no other complaints, do not bother. Just to maintain health can be indole Forte Evalar to drink. The proven drug is for this, including to maintain a hormonal balance. Rate on dignity.


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