Raspberry leaves during pregnancy

Raspberry leaves during pregnancy

Malina is used not only for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Quite often apply not the berry itself, but shoots and leaves. The shoots are brewed in the form of tea and accept during hymorites and laryngitis. Raspberry leaves are successfully used in gynecology to improve the elasticity of the cervix. In this article we will tell how to brew and take a decoction from raspberry leaves during pregnancy.

When tea from Rasina leaves are prescribed

If you have a threat of miscarriage or the placenta is located low, this drink cannot be taken. Very often to reduce the tone of the uterus, women are prescribed magnesia in position. As experience shows, after a long course of this drug, the cervix loses its elasticity. As a result, the period of disclosure and childbirth themselves increases. During the bouts of the female in labor is very angry, and she simply does not have forces for ation. Because of this, the risk of childbirth is increasing with the use of vacuum and tongs.

Raspberry leaves during pregnancy

It is pregnant women who have been used for a long period of magnesia, a raspberry leaves are shown. It makes the cervix soft and elastic. In this case, the generic process is accelerated, and the feminine is not pulled out. The number of ruptures is minimal, or there are no them at all. Women who took a decoction from raspberry leaves rarely make episiotomy, as the cervix is \u200b\u200bwell stretched.

Toxicosis and raspberry leaves

The most interesting thing is that in the leaves of this plant contains a lot of group vitamins in who oppress nausea. Therefore, in the first weeks of pregnancy, there is a feeling of nausea to drink an empty stomach cup of tea from leaves. Vitamins in the composition of the beam will be saturated with the body and will contribute to the normal development of the fetus.

How to drink tea from raspberry leaves

It is necessary to drink this drink on a specific principle. Initially, fill out 5-6 sheets with boiling water along with black tea in a conventional brew. Cover the soulful to the towel and give it. Drink the resulting liquid 1 time per day. The first week you need to drink tea chilled. Every week you need to increase the portion of the drug by 1 cup. In addition, the temperature of the fluid should also grow. Begin the reception of medication is necessary since 34 weeks of pregnancy. Already by 38 week you will drink 3 cups of tea from raspberries per day. In this case, the drink will be hot.

Such an interesting way to eat tea is explained by its different effect in cold and hot. Cold drink makes elastic cervix. And warm and hot - stimulates generic activities and accelerates disclosure. Thus, you will give birth quickly and without breaks. Simply put, the leaves of raspberries are a natural stimulator of childbirth. Instead, oxytocin is introduced in the Rozale. It is this hormone that launches childbirth and stimulates the cuts in the uterus.


If you have an increased tone of the uterus or low placenta attached, then you should not brew a drink from the leaves of the raspberry. Most likely, you will quickly give birth and without stimulation. During constipation, it is also not necessary to drink decoction, as it will cause pain and discomfort during defecation.

Raspberry leaves during pregnancy

Try to consult a doctor before applying any means of traditional medicine. He, given your health status, will give certain recommendations and will allow or forbidden to accept decoction.

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