What to do when constipation

What to do when constipation

The problems associated with constipation are familiar to many. It is not enough that due to the constation there is discomfort in the intestines and bloating, it can still cause intoxicating the body, especially with a long defecation delay. It is not worth not paying attention to the problem, hoping that everything will be done by itself. Your body needs help and care at this moment, and the sooner you have it, the faster your well-being will work. Let's consider the main signs of constipation and the most effective methods of its treatment.

A long-term delay of defecation includes a constrain, which can last several days. At this time, the patient feels in the abdomen, noticeable bloating and reinforced gas formation. Quite often, the constipation satellites are colic and sharp pain. The emptying of the intestine most often happens painfully, and the chair looks like dense balls. Sometimes because of the difficulty during defecation in the chair, signs of bright red blood can be seen. This blood is the consequence of the formation of the microcrack of the anal opening or the rectum.

When signs of constipation are found, first of all, it is necessary to exclude from its diet legumes, cabbage and other products that cause gas formation. Do not use rice during this period, because It has astringent action, vegetable oil in pure form and flour products. A chair, which is in the guts for a long time, begins to absorb all moisture, because of which the defecation becomes even harder, therefore the patient should increase the fluid intake. It is best to drink compotes from dried fruits, apricot decoctions or a simple water in an amount of at least 2 liters per day. At this time, it is worth excluding strong tea and coffee from their diet.

Despite the fact that there are a wide range of medical assortments in pharmacies funds from constipation In the form of candles, tablets and tinctures, you should not immediately resort to their help, and especially without appointing a doctor. Self-medication in such cases is fraught with the consequences, such as the appearance of the body's dependence on drugs and, as a result, the "lazy intestine".

With prolonged constipation, you should consult a doctor who will give you the direction of testing. Very significant in such cases is the commissioning of a feces to identify dysbacteriosis in the intestines. Most often it is he who causes the difficulty of defecation. When dysbiosis detection, the doctor will prescribe treatment and a diet to restore a healthy flora in the intestine.

In order to speed up the defecation process and facilitate the state of the intestine, you need to add some products with a relaxing effect to the diet. These include bran with a huge content of fiber, pumpkin, operated prunes, plum puree and juice, oatmeal and oatmeal, boiled beets, etc. Excellent laxative properties and a huge content of vitamins are famous for the flax seeds. One teaspoon of seeds in the morning is brewed with a glass of boiling water, and a decoction drink overnight and eat seeds. Flax must be taken at least 10 days.

To eliminate the occurrence of constipation, it is necessary to carefully think through its diet, it is impossible to be carried away with suck and snacks, as well as reduce the use of oily food. Do not underestimate sports and morning exercises, which have a positive effect on digestion and help work to human body without difficulty.

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Hope 27/01/2016 at 0:13.

I sometimes happen ... especially when it's tightly attempted, especially for the holidays. The prunes do not help, the pills I really don't want to swallow, and it is not helpful for the stomach ...

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Sveta 28/01/2016 at 0:15.

In vain you are so, you just need to choose the right laxative. After the holidays, I also suffer from the stomach, I can not go to the toilet for several days, I take it in such a case, it cleans the body very well, and from slags with toxins too. That is, he has more spectrum than just a laxative with a single goal (usually this goal is to-toilet at any cost). And the laxist acts gently, it is convenient to take - at night a tablet - in the morning the result is already. Tablets pills Returns, the lainder positively affects the gastrointestinal tract.

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Olga 02/22/2018 at 9:35.

I know the problem with constipation. When I sat on Dukean's diet, then my constipation began. Good girlfriend Lavacap recommended. Accepted this tool throughout the diet. There were no constipation.

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Ksenia 02/25/2018 at 4:47.

thank you for the article

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Anna 09/05/2018 at 9:20

I recently well fighting the norms helped, remained very pleased. After the diet, there were failures in the intestinal work and it turned out to be as impossible by the way. Of course, it was not without a kefir with prunes ... But I just from those who do not work for anyone. So I think that it is better to contact modern means.

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Kate 05/12/2018 at 16:31

I also had a constipation recently ... 2 weeks feet phytolax and tried to cook for a couple. As a result, the chair and normalized)) So it's not so terrible, as it is muddy ... It is important to just find a tool suitable for you.

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