Fighting funds from constipation

Fighting funds from constipation

Packs - symptomatic disorder of the food tract. The rejection of the carts is not an independent disease, and the "uncomfortable" consequence of more serious problems with the body. Accordingly, the treatment of constipation is not a paramount task, as well as the treatment of headaches in hypertension. Despite this, in parallel with the diagnosis of the entire gastrointestinal system, you should weaken the intestinal burden to avoid complications.

Pharmacological methods of fighting constipation

Official medicine represents a whole set of drugs designed to fight constipation. However, they all give a temporary effect and do not treat problems with the chair.

Magnesium sulfate from constipation

Acts quickly and in 100% of cases. The thinning of the carts occurs after 1.5-3 hours depending on the state of the body. The drug in the package of 20 g is fusing, which is one dose for an adult. Taking magnesium sulfate can also children from 6 years. Then the dosage is calculated: 1 g for the year of life. Powder breed with water and take on an empty stomach.

Overdose or regular use of magnesium sulfate can lead to chronic diarrhea.

Preparations based on the Seine from constipation

"Senadexin", "Senade", laxative tea of \u200b\u200balmost any manufacturer. The effect is delayed compared to magnesium sulfate if the body is not weakened. Accordingly, one tablet is accepted at night, emptying occurs in the morning. The same order of admission is suitable for tea. During the reception of drugs, colic and bloating is possible.

  • Plus - vegetable base of drugs.
  • Minus - the frequent use of drug-based drugs is addictive, therefore will have to constantly increase the dose or fully change the reception schedule.

Sodium picosulfate from constipation

Contained in Guttalaks preparations, "Laxic", "Regulaks" and others. Against the background of previous drugs, they differ in mild effect on the body, without forming a rack diarrhea. Since the effect is not instantaneous, then drugs are accepted at night in the dosage indicated in the instructions. By the morning the intestine will be ready to free himself from the constipation.

Sodium Picosulfate is shown in hemorrhoid, after childbirth, with hypotonic constipation.

All medical drugs must write a doctor. Independent treatment can lead to chronic constipation without the possibility of drug use. In addition, vegetable-based preparations occasionally cause an allergic reaction.

People's methods of treatment of constipation

Sunflower or castor oil from constipation

The most longtime way to cause diarrhea. It acts relatively and painless for the general condition of the body. Drink 1 tbsp. l. And wait for the effect for two hours. If nothing happened, then drink another 1 tbsp. l.

During the reception of oils, it is advisable to move to their action as quickly as possible.

"Laxative" salads made of beets and cabbage from constipation

Fresh vegetables without heat treatment rubbed on the grater and generously squeeze with sunflower oil. To achieve the effect, you will have to eat about 1-1.5 beets and wait 2 hours while the vegetable will pass through the intestinal tract.

Compote from plums and prunes from constipation

0.5 kg prunes pour 3.5 l of water. After boiling to put on the little fire and cook about half an hour. Drink before bedtime. To enhance the effect, you can add 50 g of the crust of the crash during cooking, and after cooling - 200 g of "Holoja". The compote from the plum is suitable, but more impact has canned.

Fruits from constipation

Single lemon juice mix with juice of one orange and one raw chicken yolk. Ingredients are good to beat. The resulting mixture has a drink overnight. Before use and in the morning there is a little bit and only "light" food.

Pay attention to the egg from which you are going to "extract" yolk. It needs to be purchased only in official selling places, since only there are products undergo expertise.

Whatever means of fighting constipation you choose, you need to remember that constipation is not an independent disease. The body sends a distress signal to which you want to pay attention and pass the diagnosis of the intestinal tract.

Comments leave a comment
Olga Zhatkina 13/03/2016 at 1:29

And what do you take from the constipation, eh? I haven't had this for a long time, so I don't know what is better.

Anastasia 14/03/2016 at 0:50

Olga, I am the last couple of times from the constipation to get rid of the slack. I liked it and how it acts and the fact that he is in pills. Yes yes exactly. Surprised? I, too, was, as it was no desire to drink with liters of various kinds.

Olya 02/06/2018 at 10:37

I feel good with constipation to cope with the composition of the norms and castor oil. Strange, of course, but no matter how disgusting, I advise you to drink a tablespoon of castor oil 1 time a day before eating, really helps ... But here I think everyone has worn exactly in the aggregate

Emmalia 03/13/2019 at 20:59.

Thank you, excellent article. From the wrong way of life and nutrition and constipation occur. Although I try to eat right, but it does not always work. I sometimes took the decoction of Senna, but there was a terrible thumb and a rumbling in the stomach. Now I drink Phytolax tea, as part of the truth is also Senna, but in a more dosed consistency, it is very gently acting.

Ira 06/12/2021 at 9:54.

Enema, the most credit option for constipation)

    Marina 06/12/2021 at 10:14.

    Ira, and you at least once? How do you feel after it? And they can even harm. I am for probiotic (accepting nutrilate), and for proper nutrition.

Arina 06/12/2021 at 10:17

Ira, and you yourself did them? How do you feel after them? They can even even harm. I am better for proper nutrition and nutrilate. But without enema it is wondering)


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