How to donate analysis on enterobiosis

How to donate analysis on enterobiosis

Enterobiosis - the name of the disease, familiar with young parents. After all, when designing a certificate for kindergarten in the clinic, they often hear the pediatrician demand to hand over the scraping on enterobiosis. Do not do without analyzing gloves - cooks, nurse, sanitary, employees of catering, and just asked adults if the doctor does this appointment.

Enterobiosis - a common parasitic human disease caused by helminths, small white worms - with sharpness.

How to take an analysis on enterobiosis - causes and symptoms of the disease

There are two ways of infection with worms: indirect and straight.

First option

Cooking the worms can be very simple - talked with a homemade pet, dirty vegetables or fruits were rolled down, and the hands did not wash their hands. In this case, the eggs of helminths through the mouth fall into the body, pass in two weeks from the larva to an adult individual, at the same time poisoning you emitted by enzymes. This is a contact-household, indirect path of infection.

Second option

Helmintes will settle and live in the intestine of a person. At night, the worms' females get out through the anus, they allocate a sticky fluid and eggs in the skin folds of the groin or buttocks are laying onto it, as a result, people appear strong cells in the intimate area. A person begins to scribe all this itchy places, collecting on the fingers and under the nails of the eggs of worms, mostly children do that. Sucming such fingers, infection is provided - this is a direct path of infection.

Whatever the way a person has become infected, the main symptom is the unbearable itching of the rear pass.

How to take an analysis on enterobiosis - diagnostics

To identify the sharpness of a child or an adult, passing the feces, it is impossible, because eggs are postponed outside the rectum. But there are techniques that accurately determine the presence of worms.

Scrap with sticky tape

  • Take the transparent tape 2 cm wide and cut a piece of about 5 cm long.

IMPORTANT: before the procedure can not be arranged, urinate, empty the intestines.

  • Press the tape with a sticky side in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole for a couple of seconds. Disclosure, transfer the cut on the glass or wrap it around a small glass container. Take a study to the laboratory.

By the way, a set with adhesive tape and a glass glass can be bought at the pharmacy.

Taking the sample with a cotton wand

For the collection of analysis, you can use both purchased plastic container with a cover and a conventional tube.

  • Motor wand plunge into glycerin or vaseline oil.
  • Spread the buttocks with the hand, wipe the Circular Movements of the Anus.
  • Put the wand in the test tube, block, hand over to the clinic.

To note: if there is no time to immediately transfer the smear to the study, place the tank in the refrigerator on the lower shelf. The term of such storage is not more than 6 hours.

The analysis is ready the day after passing. A positive result means that enterobiosis is, negative - no.

We talked about how to take scraping on their own at home. If it is unacceptable for you, go to the clinic, where the manipulation will perform a medical worker.

How to take an analysis on enterobiosis - treatment

The treatment of worms is reduced to the reception of antickel preparations and observance of personal hygiene.

  • For the destruction of helminths, preparations are prescribed - Pyrantel, Vermoks, nezozol. They kill the worms, but do not bring them out, so after taking the tablets, we offer sorbents - lactofilm, polyfepan, smect.
  • Take antihistamines against itching, make garlic enemas overnight, baths with soda.
  • Enter pumpkin seeds in the diet, drink chamomile decoction, wormwood, plantain.

IMPORTANT: Antichelmintic drugs and other methods of treatment are obtained only by the doctor.

  • Strook the bedding with a hot iron and spend more often wet cleaning.

Enterobiosis is a serious illness, and in order not to encounter this problem again, systematically rent medical analyzes for the presence of parasites, wash your hands before eating, after the street, visit toilet and accustom to this children.

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