Analysis on the monackers, what it is

Analysis on the monackers, what it is

Analysis on oncomarcresses is necessary to detect the specific elements in the blood that are present. in the presence of malignant tumors. The state for 2015 is aware of the existence of about 200 oncomarkers. Laboratory research methodology allows you to diagnose and monitor many oncological diseases.

Statistics showed the most common Oncological problems are: Melanoma, prostate cancer, gastrointestinal tract, cervix, chest, ovaries. Analysis will provide clear Picture of the presence or absence of a neoplasm. A deep study will determine the type of tumor - benign or malignant. Thanks to the analysis of oncomarcresses before and after therapy, it is possible to estimate the productivity of treatment.

It is worth noting that the meager fraction of oncomarkers is present in the blood of a healthy person. Not always a positive result indicates a damage to the body with cancer cells. The deficiency with the diagnosis is frequent phenomenon. The high indicator may be the result of an infectious or inflammatory process, up to ARVI. Also the cause of the pathological reaction can be the development of cysts.

For research, venous blood will be required. Analysis fence is made in the morning. After the last reception Food must pass at least 8 hours. Patients with a repeated diagnosis are required to do control analyzes each quarter, Evaluating the effectiveness of treatment. Having received the result, we recommend to leave the original in yourself, and to provide a photocopy for the sickness to the patron of the disease.

Norm Afp The adult is up to 15 ng / ml. If the ratio reached 10 Me./ ml, then considered pathology. The elevated level of alpha fetoprotein indicates the presence of such diseases:

  • liver cancer;
  • egg cancer, bile bubble or ovarian;
  • cancer lungs, breast, rectum.

Increased indicator may be the result of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, renal failure . If a bad analysis result in a pregnant woman, it may indicate the pathology of the development of the fetus. For confirmation or denial of diagnosis, additional research will be required.

Oncomarker with the code B-2- Mg. It is easy to detect in most cells. Increased concentration of beta-2-microglobulin indicates a kidney problem. The reaction of the marker is closely related to the immunity and can increase at the first inflammatory process. Analysis on this oncomarker is appropriate in suspected on lymphoma, mieloma, leukemia. In addition, the study is relevant after organ transplantation to assess cell connection.

Oncomarker PSA can be found in an over-developed prostate fabric. It is considered the most specific antigen, which indicates the pathological transformation of the tissue, which is the consequence of the lesion of the prostate cells. For laboratory research, a plasma or blood serum will be required to mechanical intervention. Physical contact of the gland can affect the increased level of marker by a period of up to 3 weeks. The norm of the PSA concentration is up to 0-4 ng / ml. If the indicator above 10, you can unmistakably diagnose malignant education in the specified area.

CA 125 is an oncomarker of ovaries. Normal concentration is 0-30 Me./ ml. If the mark is more, then they talk about pathological malignant changes in the ovaries, dairy or pancreas, the uterus. The physiological factor of pregnancy or menstruation can affect the increased result.


The article presents the most common oncomarkers. The reason for this study is the concerns and assumptions of the attending physician on the basis of the Wood, X-ray or primary blood test.

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