Breast cancer - how to diagnose

Breast cancer - how to diagnose

Today's business woman is much more busy pursuit of career and a successful marriage than their natural needs and duties (creating a home coat, the birth of children, breastfeeding). It is not surprising that breast cancer in the last decade progresses with an unprecedented speed. After all, if the female organism refuses to perform the task prescribed by nature, the hard background of the hormonal background begins. Hence the beginning of all breast diseases, sooner or later developing into a cancer problem.

In addition to violating the level of hormones, there are many more causes of breast cancer: heredity, frequent abortions, hormonal contraception, overweight, bad habits, etc. If you have noticed at least one of these indicators, we recommend regularly conducting a thorough examination of the chest at home in front of the mirror. There are cases when the mammary glands change without a particular cause externally, nipples are deformed or seals are proud. In this time, it is better not to slow down with a visit to the mammologist, in order to refute or confirm any guesses.

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At the first inspection, the doctor will be able to adequately assess the appearance of the glands, to determine the presence of contour asymmetry, surface irregularities, color changes. With the help of palpator research, not only chest is checked, but also the axillary depressions located near the lymph nodes. Often, at the first stage of diagnostics, it is possible to determine cancer.

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The next step contributing to the diagnosis of tumor in the breast is mammography. In essence, this is one of the most important and most reliable ways to check the chest. It is carried out on a special apparatus - a mammographer. The milk gland is placed on the stand and pressed the plate from above. In this position, X-rays are made, allowing to detect the problem at an early stage. Often this procedure is painful. It is when squeezing may arise unpleasant sensations.

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To 35 years old, it is preferable to pass the ultrasound instead of mammograms. The particular structure of the young breast can be a hindrance when diagnosing the previous way. In addition, ultrasonic inspection is absolutely painless. With the help of the sensor, a specialist observes each breast quadrant separately, also inspects regional lymph nodes. Often ultrasound use for more accurate breast biopsy.

Biopsy is a study of tissues and cells taken from a certain area with a fine or thick needle. The device or needle is introduced into the cloth, capture the fragment and extract it outwards. When cytology (cell check), the obtained element is painted to determine the presence of changes. The percentage of the accuracy of the result in this case is quite high: 90 out of 100. With histological examination (tissues), the result turns out to be even more accurate (almost 100%). If the neoplasm is still there, but its character is hard to determine, the sectoral resection is carried out - partial removal of the breast, or rather the affected area.

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Diagnosis of breast cancer is not a sentence. After final confirmation of the doctor, carefully selection of adequate treatment. To do this, it is necessary to make an immunohistochemical study on hormone receptors. That is, the tumor test is taking place for the presence of a receptor that can bind to hormones and other substances important for growth. Such receptors are not every tumor. Evaluating the status of the disease, the doctor will be able to carefully plan the volume and methods of treatment.

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Definition of oncomarkers - no less significant procedure. This is a kind of blood test, which allows to determine the presence or absence of a substance emitted by a tumor indicating its vital activity. Incomarcresses are more often conducted by patients who have passed the course of treatment, to accurately understand the result.

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Modern medicine does not stand still. In recent years, many new methods for diagnosing breast cancer invented and checked. Yes, and new methods of treatment make it possible to save almost all patients suffering from such a common oncological disease.

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Svetik 06/25/2018 at 12:37

My mom had cancer. As a result, it remained without one chest. Plastic did, of course, so now everything is glory to God, good! But I am now very difficult for health! According to the advice of a doctor, we drink the drug for the prevention of mastopathy and other faces in the work of the glands - Maustofit. Plus surveys every six months.

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