How to treat nodes on the thyroid

How to treat nodes on the thyroid

The thyroid gland is increasingly becoming a weak link of the human endocrine system, and causes both in an unfavorable environmental situation and in the disadvantage of iodine in food. How to overcome this disease, especially if we are talking about nodes on the thyroid?

The thyroid gland in shape resembles a butterfly, it is located below the caadon in the front of the neck. This small body performs an important function - produces hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine), which regulate the vital processes in the human body. Supporting the physical activity and metabolism at the required level, iron provides full-fledged brain work, as well as hearts and other organs.

The first signal, which indicates that the thyroid gland does not fully work, can become a constant feeling of fatigue, irritation, sleep disturbance, swelling, sweating, sudden weight gain or unreasonable weight loss. The emergence of formations on the thyroid house - phenomenon, alas, not so rare, they include cysts and nodes on the gland. Small nodules cannot be diagnosed to the touch, but only with the help of ultrasound examination.

To understand how nodules are formed, it is necessary to take into account that the thyroid gland is trying to fill the lack of hormones and takes a small amount of iodine from the blood. Working in such an intense mode, iron increases, but unevenly. The extension of the vessels due to the reinforced activity of the thyroid area provokes a change in the tissue density and the formation of nodules. Small nodes of up to 1 cm in official medicine are not treated, only you need to observe them every six months from an endocrinologist.

Often, the nodes do not disturb the patient, and the reception of folk remedies helps reduce their size, or even get rid of these hazardous formations. One of the most popular funds for the treatment of nodes is considered the usual 5% iodine, which not only lubricate the skin in the field of thyroids, but also accepted. By adding 1 drop of iodine and 1 tsp. Apple vinegar on a glass of juice, drink a third of a cup three times a day twice a week. If the patient's weight is more than 65 kg, then the dose increases to 2 drops. It is important to introduce products rich in iodine - seafood, fatty fish, seaweed in the diet.

The healing properties of linseed oil help reduce the size of the nodes on the thyroid gland. Taking on the tablespoon 3 times a day the oil, it is noted to improve the condition of the patient in a week, especially if there is additionally warm oil with light movements to rub into the skin in the thyroid area before bedtime, taking the throat on the night with a warm scarf.

Huge power lures in a modest plant - white palm. It has a unique property to heal both hypothes and hyperfunction of the gland, adjusting its full-fledged activity. It is enough to fill 100 grams of the root of the laptice liter of high-quality vodka, insist in a dark place, and you can take 30 drops for at least a month, after a weekly break the course should be repeated.

As it turned out, even the triggered cherry can give their strength for the benefit of human health. Filling in half the liter bank with the crust of such a cherry, topping it with vodka to the top and insist in a dark place for 3 weeks, regularly shaking. One tablespoon of drugs 3 times a day will help get rid of nodes.

A comprehensive effect has a mixture of beet juice, carrots, black radish, heated honey, which you need to take one glass, stir and add a liter of vodka. Torn 2 weeks, it is a vitaminized tool, it is necessary to use 30 g three times a day for half an hour before meals.

The main rule in the treatment of the thyroid gland is a systematic diagnosis of its condition. It is important not to miss the moment when the nodes begin to increase or wear malignant. An experienced doctor will help to take the right decision to be tiny, but such important iron was as healthy as possible.

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Glafira 10/20/2018 at 11:35.

I, when I was flowing with this, the doctor was going on for the appointment of the doctor. There is nothing terrible in this if everything is competent with the right dosages ... but still managed to get rid of this ailment. Now only for prevention I try more fish there is, well, and endocrinol in the courses, and that's all. Wellness is excellent, and everything is fine with the ultrasound)

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