Is it possible to get pregnant in endometriosis

Is it possible to get pregnant in endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which the endometrium cells grow in the places that are unlocked in the form of cystic neoplasms. Often these neoplasms block the work of the ovaries, cause spikes of phallopy pipes. As a result, infertility. But this is not a sentence. Depending on the variety of the disease and the degree of its nestness, the conception of the baby is possible. Take about it and talk.

If you managed to conceive a baby in endometriosis, you will have to take care of yourself and pregnancy especially carefully. The good news is that this disease subsides and almost comes off during pregnancy. Bad - if miscarriage happens, endometriosis will develop with a double strength. You can avoid the disease or reduce its activity, if you carefully monitor contraception, avoid abortion and miscarriage.

Often endometriosis proceeds asymptomatic, and the disease is easy to "run". In this case, pregnancy is impossible. First of all, diagnosis and treatment. In a timely manner (every six months), come to the gynecologist and do not refuse a variety of analyzes.

To see the cherished two strips on the test and it is possible to carry a healthy baby if endometriosis is detected at an early stage. In this case, hormonal treatment is applied, which temporarily suppresses the development of the disease.

Great chances to become pregnant with natural way and after surgery. In the case of the initial stage of development of endometriosis, a gentle type of operation is applied - laparoscopy.

Begin the baby after the drive operation (if the disease is very "running") is almost impossible.

The most faithful way to get pregnant with endometriosis - eco (extracorporeal fertilization). This procedure allows you to place the embryo immediately in the uterine cavity, avoiding its passage along the paved phallopy tubes.

In any case, to become a mom even with such a disease possible. The main thing to believe and never give up!

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Raya 13/10/2019 at 10:54.

I just have endometriosis and was the reason that you could not get pregnant. Therefore, it was necessary to cure. In addition to hormone therapy, Indol Forte (for the overall maintenance of female health) was made in abandonitious. Gradually, the endometrium began to grow normally, not abundantly ... and then got pregnant)) Unexpectedly nigandanno)

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