How to get pregnant quickly

How to get pregnant quickly

Loving para adopted An important responsible solution is the appearance of a baby. The birth of life is still unlited miracle Nature and unemployed person. There may be obstacles, difficulties on the way to a dream. They can be overcome or reduced to a minimum.

To quickly get pregnant and conceive a healthy child necessary Complete medical examination yet At the stage of the kid planning. Doctors of pregnancy planning will help to calculate the most favorable days to conceive days, recommend a diet, vitamin complexes and will examine a man and women onlisting reproductive diseases - infectious, inflammatory, chronic. For this will be conducted medical research:

  • preventive Women's Survey Gynecologist, Men's - andrologist;
  • cytological analysis of the discharge;
  • inspection for infectious diseases;
  • analysis of the hormonal reproductive system;
  • spermogram for men;
  • Ultrasound of small pelvis and thyroid bodies.

The highest chances of pregnant exist in so-called fertile period  5 days before ovulation and 2 days after. Calculate ovulation possible:

  • Calendar  method. Referred from the duration of the menstrual cycle number 14. For example, with a 28-day cycle ovulation can be expected on 14 DMTS.. Help calculate day Ovulation online application.
  • Measurement of basal temperature.
  • Using tests for ovulation.
  • Passing the ultrasound procedure.

Per For half a year before planning, conception should be taken care of their own health:

  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Check the performance of vaccinations. Some illnesses, such as windmill, are dangerous during pregnancy, if necessary, you need to go through the vaccination procedure.
  • In the diet, include vitamin and microelements rich products. Vitamins of groups are especially important. A, E. and folic acid.
  • Normalize body weight. Violations in the standards in the direction of excess or lack of weight are often associated with hormonal disorders, which leads to difficulties in conception And tooling child.
  • Moderate sports will prepare an organism to fertilization and to wear.
  • Minimize stressful situations and overvoltage. Nelfish will Vacation with loved one.

It is necessary to be examined not only to a woman, but also a man. The quality of sperm directly affects the possibility of conception and health of the future child. Male should pass spermogram and analysis for sex infections. With detection discovered, you need to consult a doctor - andrologist - For the necessary treatment. For the full production of high-quality sperm, we recommend wearing spacious underwear, postpone visiting the baths and saunas, eliminate bad habits.

Folk medicine offers various ways to quickly occur pregnancy:

  • Infusions of those herbs like a boring uterus, red brush, Known as "natural female hormones", contribute to the removal of inflammatory processes and harmonization of hormone levels in the body of a woman. For men, a decoction of the plantain is recommended: a tablespoon of seeds brewed about 10 minutes and insist. Drink 2 times a day by dining room spoon. Such a decoction contributes to an increase in spermatozoa activity.
  • If desired, conceive child They advise you to use positions at which cum can get as deep as possible. You can not use lubricants - they slow down the penetration of the sperm. After sexual intercourse, it is better to linger in the lying position. Folk tips recommend a woman to master the pose " berezki».

The birth of a kid is an intimate, covered by the curtain of the secrecy of sS Dvwow lovers Hearts. To conceive the baby, you need health Future parents, love and positive attitude!

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Ira 14/06/2018 at 13:20

That about the health examination of the man absolutely agree. For some reason, many forget about it. By the way, we were also no exception. Long treated me, and the problem was in the husband. Due to the poor activity of spermatozoa, it was not pregnant. As a result, he was treated with sperm, tinctures of the chabar, physiotherapy and everything was improved, thank God)) Now I'm already at 5 months old)

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