How to conceive a child

How to conceive a child

How to conceive a child? That seems to be the process of you regularly, and the pregnancy does not occur. Perhaps you do something wrong. Here are some tips to not just get pregnant, but to do it right.

Contact your family planning center and pass all the necessary analyzes. Why do it do if you are both healthy? Sometimes the individual incompatibility of partners is found, as a result of which the child can be born with terrible pathologies. Since you are responsible approach to this issue, why not spend a small amount of money for confidence in the future? In addition, quite often, women may have problems that she does not suspect - inflammation of appendages, erosion, ovarian cysts, etc. In a non-launched form, such ailments are very bright, but during pregnancy they can go to the sharp form and lead to difficult consequences.

Calculate ovulation. You can do this by calculating the basal temperature or special tests that are sold at the pharmacy (do not forget to familiarize yourself with the instructions before applying for the exact result!). Basal temperature must also be correctly measured: immediately after sleep, put a degrees in the anal hole and write the testimony. It can be measured in the mouth or in the vagina, but the result will not be so accurate. Do not get up from the bed! It is better to harvest the thermometer in advance. During ovulation, the temperature in the vagina increases to 37.1-37.4 degrees. Depending on the duration of the cycle, ovulation occurs on 14-18 days from the beginning of the monthly.

Prepare a man. Yes Yes! It is necessary to prepare precisely, because our guys also have problems. In order to conceive, it is desirable to refrain from sex three or four days before ovulation. So accumulate the required number of movable spermatozoa. Immediately before the process, do not feed a man too fat, acute or salted food.

Proper posture for conception. For those who have no problems, conception occurs almost with any pose. If there is a deviation from the normal arrangement of the uterus, the so-called bend, then you will have to try. For example, if the bend is back, then you can really get pregnant in the pose of "birch", or by laying a large number of pillows under the ass. If the bend forward is easier to get pregnant in the knee-elbow position.

Proper nutrition is an important factor for conception. After all, not only the quality of sperm affects food, but also on the female organism as well. To improve and improve the body before the long-awaited pregnancy, start consuing enough water - 1.5-2 liters per day for an adult, reduce the amount of food from fast food containing preservatives and dyes. In no case are not sitting on a diet! Add more vegetables, fruit to your diet. Very helpful for a young couple walnuts.

Refuse bad habits at least 3-4 months before the start of conception planning. So the body will have a little time to recover. Do not think that low alcohol drinks do not affect the body. They also affect how! Energy is also not the best reflected in the state of future mothers and dads.

Observing all these rules, try not to think about pregnancy, do not buy tests every month. If she comes, you will feel it! If you are still waiting, then only the nervous system can be spoiled. By the way, even the cases when a couple, passionately wish become pregnant, faced the problem of the so-called "false pregnancy" - a condition in which a woman feels all signs of pregnancy, although conception and did not happen.

We hope our article will help you achieve our goals and will soon see the two most cherished stripes.

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Gel 14/11/2018 at 12:50

First of all, in my opinion, most importantly check the health of both spouses. We would be able to get pregnant if they were not predigible, thinking that everything was in order. And ultimately it turned out that her husband had a bad spermogram. The doctor once began to take spermpint and went to the courses of physiotherapy ... gradually the indicators improved and we were able to get pregnant)

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Irina 02/12/2018 at 13:06

I believe that you must first check your husband and hand over the spermogram. Here we did not have everything well in this regard. The husband was appointed Aktimert Andro by the course for three months, because there are important elements to improve the quality of sperm (zinc, selenium, B8, folic acid, etc.) and the pregnancy has come, we are happy)

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