From which the sex of the child depends

From which the sex of the child depends

Mostly future parents are just welcome to the child, regardless of who appeared on the light. But it happens that it is very important to know in advance who will be born, and for this it is necessary to track the relationship between the child's floors and the circumstances in which fertilization occurred.

If the conception of artificial (ECO), here there are no questions about the field - you will be informed at the very beginning with almost 100% reliability.

The floor depends on the time of ovulation. Supporters of this statement proceed from the speed of the progress of spermatozoa. In X-spermatozoa, i.e. Women, the speed of promotion is lower than y-spermatozoa male, which, though more speed, but their percentage of survival is less. The egg cell can be fertilized for a maximum of 1.5 days. A special test strip is able to indicate what day ovulation will occur, but on average it is 2 weeks. So, they say: if the conception occurs on this day, then most likely you will give birth to a boy, and when the day is 2 earlier - a girl. This is confirmed in 68% of cases.

In France, scientists argue that the formation of the child's floor depends on how Mom feeds: consumes a lot of calcium - give birth to a girl, a little boy. So, if you want a daughter, go to the meat diet, eliminating sausages, fish and dairy products should also be present. All this with a vegetable garnish, but not with cabbage, tomatoes and potatoes. From the fruit list, exclude plums, currants, bananas, oranges. Drink those mineral waters where there is calcium. Planning the heir - it means to give up dairy products. Meat, eat fish in any form, sausages, smoked meat - also not contraindicated, just add the greens to it. Garnish from potatoes, beans and mushrooms will be just right. All well refuel salt, spices.

If you believe the ancient Chinese, then the gender is depends on how many years was mom in that month when he was conceived. You can check this theory or to trust it when planning the floor of your child, using a table, which, as the same Chinese assure, more than 7 centuries.

Statistics indicate that the age of both parents affects the sex of the child. If both are young, then most likely they will have a son at the age of daughter.

There is also a dependence of the floor of the second child from the duration of the break between childbirth. If a year after the first is born, the second child is born, then with a high probability they will be one-sex. The child's opposite child will give birth to years after 3.

Having considered all the factors on which the sex of the child depends, it is possible to conclude that using one of the methods when conceiving your chad, you can get the desired result. Of course, it does not work 100%, but is it if, instead of a daughter, you will have a son, will you be less happy?

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