How to choose a car seat for a child

How to choose a car seat for a child

Kids in the machines are transported in specially intended for this car seats. Very often, parents have problems with their selection. In fact, everything is very simple, you just need to know several important points.

How to choose a car seat by age

The child is constantly growing and gaining weight, so the car seat must approach the changing characteristics of the baby. According to these parameters, the means for transporting children are divided into categories with their own characteristics.

According to weight:

  • 0 - the quotation is designed for kids weighing up to 10 kg and are recommended for use during transportation of premature children;
  • 0+ - used for children up to 13 kg, in which it is very convenient to carry the child due to the presence of special handles, and the baby at that time is in a half-time position;
  • 1 - In such seats, kids are transported from 9 to 18 kg, where kids can be fastened with belts or safety table;
  • 2 - the quotation is designed for weight from 15 to 25 kg, in the chair of children fasten with the help of automotive belts;
  • 3 - Used to transport kids weighing from 22 to 36 kg, this option has no backrest, which does not fulfill its protection functions properly.

According to age:

  • 6 months: the back should have a tilt 30 - 45 ° C;
  • from 1 to 1.5 years: you need to transport a child back forward;
  • from 3 years: You can remove the safety straps inside the car seat;
  • 12 years: the child's transportation is carried out only using machine seat belts.

How to choose a car seat for a child by car

  • Portable seat for your Chad must match the dimensions of the machine. It is important to be able to correctly install it.
  • In the car, the child's armchair is attached either by means of seat belts or specially designed for this brackets.
  • Not always in the car there are fastenings of the second option, and sometimes they do not correspond to the appropriate seating grooves. Therefore, it is important to choose such a model of the chair, which can be installed in your car according to the safety rules.

Choose a convenient car seat

The selected car seat should be quite convenient to use. Each time during the trip, the seat for a child should be quickly installed, and the installation itself does not cause any additional difficulties. Only then can not be doubting the security of your child.

How to choose a car seat for a child in terms of transportation

  • Car seat can be installed on the front seat. With this version, you must definitely turn off the passenger pillow.
  • A variant of the child's transportation is possible and in the rear seat. In this case, it needs to be fastened with belts.
  • Remember, even if the car seat reliably protects the child while driving, you still need to look after the kid in the process of movement.

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