How to calculate ovulation to conceive a child

How to calculate ovulation to conceive a child

Most future parents are thinking about the best time to conceive the child. Doctors advise at least 6 months a man and a woman to engage in "cleaning" of their body. It is necessary to work with both the body and head (work on a psychological condition). After 6 months, it is time to calculate ovulation to conceive a child.

How to calculate ovulation to conceive a child - basal temperature

One of the most reliable ways to determine the very "golden" days to conceive the child is the measurement of the future mother of basal temperature.

This method will show with an accuracy of 99% of the date of ovulation only if the woman will comply with several mandatory rules:

  • use only mercury thermometer;
  • measure basal temperature at the same time;
  • measure basal temperature daily;
  • do not change habits (eliminate the use of alcohol, go to bed at the same time);
  • measure basal temperature without getting out of bed (immediately after awakening).

How to calculate ovulation - measurement graph of basal temperature?

The future mother should raise the notebook (better in the cell), where horizontally need to record the days of the monthly cycle, and the temperature vertically. Before ovulation, the basal temperature drops, and after ovulation it occurs at 0.3 - 0.6 degrees (37 ° C and higher). This indicator holds to menstruation.

How to calculate ovulation to conceive a child - tests

Those women who are inconvenient to carry charts basal body temperature, do not despair. At the pharmacy you can buy ovulation tests. What do they represent? Such tests are very similar to pregnancy tests. Woman enough to put the test into the urine and wait for the result. Do not necessarily test early in the morning as in the case of a pregnancy test, quite the contrary. The best period of time for Ovulation Test is considered to be lunchtime, mid-afternoon. Some do this test immediately before intercourse.

test the functioning of the principle of ovulation

At the time of ovulation in women occurs races of luteinizing hormone (LH), which reacts Ovulation Test. A woman sees a bright smile and a second strip (in the case of an electronic test for ovulation). On ordinary days, ovulation test may show a weak second strip. These days are not favorable for conception.

How to calculate ovulation to conceive a child - online calculator

On the Internet, many programs that help women calculate the day of ovulation. It is necessary to mark the first day of monthly menstruation to understand the duration of the cycle and menstruation. In the calculator to calculate ovulation you mark all the necessary parameters, and the program gives you the date, which is favorable for conception.

Why this method is unreliable? It is believed that most women ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. On this principle works online calculator. But ovulation - a cunning fellow. Not all women, it comes in the middle of the cycle! The calculator does not like women with irregular cycles.

How to calculate ovulation to conceive a child - intuition

At the time of ovulation in women vary vaginal discharge. They are dense and whitish. It can also change the mood, taste preferences, appear flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain, chest pain.

How to calculate ovulation for conception - medical examination

Determine ovulation may be due to the medical examination and ultrasound passage. This method is not the most economical, as the US would need to be done several times to observe the maturation of the follicle.

Calculate ovulation to conceive a child can be in many ways. Most women choose the measurement of basal body temperature and ovulation test. It is believed that they are the most reliable.

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