How to use dough on ovulation

How to use dough on ovulation

Ovulation is a hormonal process in a menstrual woman cycle when the egg is ready for fertilization. The next 12 hours after ovulation are the most favorable to conceive a child. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, as well as to increase the efficiency of the methods of contraceptive, women calculate the day of ovulation. Quickly and high likely to determine the day of the exit of the egg from the follicle in the abdominal cavity will help special tests that are sold in a pharmacy.

48 hours before ovulation and 24 after a woman's body produced maximum indicators of luteinizing hormone (LH). The presence or absence of high indicators (18-80 honey / ml) of the hormone in the body of a woman and determines the reagent of tests for ovulation. There are:

  • express tests;
  • electronic tests;
  • test-tablets;
  • Ovulation microscope;
  • inkjet tests.

Before using tests, it is necessary to calculate the calendar method of the approximate date of ovulation. To do this, you need to know the length of the menstrual cycle - from the first day of menstruation to the last premenstrual day. For example, the cycle is 28 days. The process of ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, for the convenience of calculations take 17 days. It is necessary out of 28 days of the complete menstrual cycle to take away the number 17. In our case, it turned out 11 - on this day of the cycle you need to start testing. Or you can use the results obtained to determine the menstrual cycle in online services.

The most common steel express tests in the form of strips. They resemble pregnancy tests. We lower the strip for 30 seconds in the dishes with the reagent (urine) to the marked line. Leave on a horizontal smooth dry surface. The result will manifest after 3-10 minutes. A control red strip is clearly visible on the test. When the test strip appears, the same saturated color as the control, ovulation is expected in the next 36 hours. In the absence or test strip of a low-rise color - the result is negative. Manufacturers of test strips for ovulation: Frautest, Ovuplan, Clearblue, Eviplan, Bona Plan.

The advantage of test-tablet only is that the paper strip is already packed in plastic. You need to drop urine into a special compartment and wait for the result.

String tests differ from test strips by the fact that there is no need to collect the reagent in the dishes. The control strip must be substituted under the urine stream, put on a flat surface and expect the result after 3 minutes. Popular tests are Solo, ClearBlue.

Electronic tests are essentially the same express tests. The difference is that not paper, but plastic sticks are used. After applying the reagent, you need to insert a strip into an electronic device that analyzes and displays the result.

Ovulation microscope is saliva analysis. Under the action of hormone estrogen varies its composition. It must be applied to the lens saliva. Leave to completely dry. With a positive result, smooth clusters of crystals will be visible in the microscope, with negative - small and chaotic. Test is better spent in the morning, since food and toothpaste can distort the result.

Medical preparations can affect the results of tests for ovulation, especially hormonal. Before conducting the test, it is advisable to refrain from urination and not drink a lot of fluid. In addition, there are spoiled tests or controversial result (low-net test bar). In this case, it is worth passing a test again. Before holding, read the instructions. When decoding, the results compare with the image on the package.

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