How to plan a birthday girl

How to plan a birthday girl

Future parents are always interested to know who will bring a stork. But especially responsible approaches the process of conception competently and try to control the result. Dreaming about the birth of a girl for various reasons. This and the desire to wear a beauty in cute dresses, make wonderful hairstyles, and sometimes this desire has serious foundations - genetic diseases in male people. For example, a woman is a carrier of hemophilia, but he does not suffer from the symptoms of the disease.

Plan the birth of a girl in several ways. Contact the reproductive clinic. The guaranteed result gives the ECO method. A woman is taking an egg, and a man provides cum. In a special test tube at a certain temperature, fertilization is made. Genetic with ease determines the floor of the embryos, because Boys carry y-chromosomes in themselves, and girls are only X-chromosomes. A woman is appointed a course of hormonal therapy so that the subfold is favorable. This method is carried out only on medical testimony, such as infertility, genetic diseases.

Plan the birth of the girl using the ovulation method. After the end of menstruation, start having sex and stop sex life 3 days before ovulation. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, it comes in his middle. With a cycle, equal to 28 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th. With irregular menstruation, take a test for ovulation at the pharmacy. In order not to miss the exit of the egg from the ovary, you will have to perform it every day. Another way to determine ovulation is the daily measurement of basal body temperature. During ovulation, it rises and reaches 37 ° C. The biological base of the method lies in the features of the structure of chromosomes. So, the X-chromosome moves slowly, but more adapted to the aggressive environment. While the Y-chromosome is very mobile, but quickly dies.

To conceive a girl, pay attention to the nature of intimate life. Refrain from it within a month. Perfect position with small penetration. For example, the pose with side, missionary or rider pose, when a woman controls the degree of penetration into the vagina. This will benefit the time in jumping Y-chromosome. Also try not to experience orgasm during the act. Male chromosomes kill the acidic environment. After sex, dig the vagina with a solution of lemon juice or a solution of vinegar. However, it negatively affects the female microflora, so consult on this occasion from your doctor.

If you planned the birth of a girl, then comply with a special diet within one month:

  • Use products rich in magnesium and calcium. Add to your diet: cottage cheese, milk, eggplants, beets, tomatoes, apples, pears and lemon. From drinks prefer tea, cocoa.
  • Limit food rich in potassium and sodium. Do not abuse bananas, sausage, smoked fish, mushrooms, white beans, pumpkin.

Only genetics can affect nature. All other methods are relative. Whatever a wish to have a child of a certain floor, do not despair in case of failure. In the upbringing of boys there are also many pleasant moments.

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