How to calculate the date of birth

How to calculate the date of birth

Each pregnant woman is looking forward to meetings with their long-awaited blukee. And many future mothers wish to know how to calculate the approximate date of delivery. Normal pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks (37-41 weeks is also considered the norm). In gynecology, various methods are used to calculate the date of X. The methods for determining the date of delivery include the following: gynecological examination, obstetric method, embryonic, ultrasound results, first movement, gynecological examination. We will get acquainted with each method in detail.

How to calculate the date of birth according to the gynecological inspection

When converting a woman in a female consultation, a gynecologist conducts an inspection and establishes the term of pregnancy. What exactly draws attention to the doctor when inspection? On the size and height of the bottom of the uterus, and with further inspections (when the pregnancy becomes noticeable) and on the circumference of the abdomen. Most women are registered for 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. After inspection, the doctor will say, what time is your pregnancy, as well as the estimated date of delivery (PDR).

How to calculate the date of birth through the obstetric method

The essence of this method is the calculation of the term based on the date of the last menstruation. This method for the point of the report takes the first day of the last menstruation and adds to this day of forty weeks. Each woman can independently calculate this way. For example, the first day of the last period of August 12th. We take calendar and add 40 weeks to this date, - we get PDD 19 May. This is such a simple and affordable method that is used to determine the date of delivery.

How to calculate the date of birth according to the embryonic method

The essence of the embryonic method is to determine the day of ovulation, which is considered the most favorable for conception. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and with regular menstruation, it is quite simple to determine it - it is enough to find the middle of the cycle. With a 28-day cycle, ovulation falls on 14 days if the cycle is longer or, on the contrary, in short, it should be found its middle. Identify the date x, add 38 weeks and get the DA.

Attention! In this method, you must add 38 weeks, in contrast to the obstetric method.

But even when the exact date of ovulation is known, it is impossible to talk with confidence about the accuracy of determining the date of delivery by this method. Why? First, spermatozoa keep the ability to conceive up to 3-4 days, which means the conception could happen 1-2 days later; Secondly, ovulation can also occur slightly later or before, if the woman experienced certain psychological loads and stress.

How to calculate the date of birth according to the first chapter

Another method of determining the DA is the first movement of the crumbs. Great Women usually feel the first movement on a period of about 20 weeks, and moms who carry a second child feel the first shocks somewhat earlier - at week 18. To determine the DA in this method, the original women to the date of the first movement should be added 20 weeks, and repeatedly - 22 weeks. The resulting date will be the date of the upcoming birth.

Today, this method is not widely popular among the obstetricians-gynecologists: not always the original women feel the first shocks for 20 weeks. Sometimes it happens much earlier due to the characteristics of the figure and the body of each woman (slender ladies usually felt the first movement for 18-19 weeks), therefore, this method is reliable at 100%.

How to calculate the date of birth according to the results of the ultrasound

During the pregnancy, a woman should take an ultrasound study three times (sometimes more if there are medical indications). The first ultrasound is carried out on 8-12 weeks, the second is 18-22, the third is 32-34 weeks of pregnancy. At ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the growth and development of the fetus and on the basis of the data obtained makes the conclusion about the period of pregnancy. This method makes it possible to identify the DA with an accuracy of 1-3 days.

Attention! In the late period of pregnancy, this method for determining the DA is unreliable, since in the third trimester kids develop differently, based on heredity, which is normal.

Today, the calculation of the terms of childbirth with the help of ultrasound is one of the most reliable and accurate methods.

But even despite the various methods and methods for determining the estimated date of delivery, none of them gives 100% guarantees that the childbirth will occur on this day. The birth of the baby in the period from the 37th to the 41st week is the norm, and on what day it will happen, your crumbs will solve himself.

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