How to find out the sex of the child on an early term

How to find out the sex of the child on an early term

During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman is tormented by the only question - who develops in her stomach. Almost every woman is looking forward to the cherished ultrasound, on which the gender floor will determine.

As a rule, the floor of the future child is determined not earlier than 17 weeks of pregnancy. It is worth noting that during this period the conclusion is not always true, because the fruit often hides its genitals.

There are several methods for determining the sex of the child. Some women claim that they really help learn the truth, and someone believes that there are mistakes in these methods.

How to find out the sex of the child on early people

These methods are very popular among women, although experts believe that the folk ways of determining the sex of the child do not always work. To determine the sex of the child in the appearance of the woman as follows:

Sign Male Women
Form of belly There is more acute abdomen More rounded belly, waist loss
Hair on the legs Increased vegetation in the field of legs There are no explicit changes
Sexy contact Sexy traction to the partner increases at times Sexual apathy is observed
Baby father's underwear Prefers tight cowards Inclined to free linen
Validity Woman becomes more sensitive to cold There are no explicit changes
The appearance of the mother Woman has become much better to look Acne appeared, pigment spots, changed the type of skin
The presence of toxicosis Absent Obvious
Exterior of belly Appearance of vegetation The appearance of pigment spots
Temperature Not rarely observed chills Cheeks often burn, there is a heat
Preference in food Meat dishes, salinity, various varieties of cheeses Desserts, baking, vegetables and fruits

How to find out the sex of the child early with a medical method

There are 2 ways to find out the floor of the future kid:

  • Chorion's biopsy. The method is effective, however, it is considered extremely dangerous. After 7 weeks of pregnancy, a woman can visit a special medical institution, in which, with the help of the needle, experts will take the material of Chorion. It is worth noting that the biopsy will not do without medical testimony. This method requires the direction of your attending physician, since the biopsy of Chorion can cause complications of pregnancy or provoke miscarriage.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics. This procedure allows you to assume the sex of the future baby from the 16th week of pregnancy. However, everything can change, as the fruit is developing, and has the property to hide its genitals. Doctors recommend pregnant woman to visit an ultrasound office not earlier than 25 pregnancy weeks for a more accurate determination of the child. This method is painless and practically harmless for both mother and baby.

How to find out the floor of the child in an early term by calculations

  • Youth of blood. In case the blood of mom's newer father, then we should expect the appearance of a girl, and if daddy blood is younger, then, accordingly, young parents should expect the boy's appearance.
  • Sex. Determine the floor of the future child can be in the frequency of sexual intercourse. If future parents lead active and regular sex life, then this means that the boy will appear. If there are gaps between the sexual act, then the parents should expect the appearance of daughter.
  • Chinese tables. On various Internet resources, the definition of the floor of the future kid is often suited with Chinese tables. The calculation is carried out on the basis of these Mother and Father. The accuracy of the result obtained is not proved, so it is not recommended to fully rely on the result shown.

Of all the above methods for determining the floor of the future child, an ultrasound diagnosis is the most effective. It is this method that is most safe for the health of the baby and the mother, in addition, it carries more accurate informativeness.

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