How to make abortion

How to make abortion

Abortion from the Latin language is translated as "miscarriage." This intervention under the leadership of the doctor leads to the death of the fetus. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a woman's desire for up to 12 weeks is taken into account. Up to 22 weeks, the interrupt is carried out only on medical and social indications. A special medical commission is going, which gives an official permission to the operation. After 22 weeks, doctors will refuse abortion, because the child potentially has a chance to survive outside the body of the mother.

Medical or pharmacological abortion. It is carried out on the period of up to 6 weeks. It is considered the safest, because it does not lead to injury to the uterus and vaginal paths. Analyzes are surrendered before the procedure, ultrasound is carried out to confirm the term. Under the control of the doctor, the patient takes hormonal pills that block the synthesis of progesterone, which leads to the death of the fetus due to the lack of nutrients in the outer layer of the uterine - myiometry. Oxytocin production begins, which provokes the rejection of the fetus. A day later the control tablet is accepted. After 3 days, the gynecologist checks the presence of a fetal egg. In the case of failure, surgical abortion is carried out.

Mini abortion or vacuum aspiration. It is in second place in safety. The epithelium of the uterus is almost not mechanically destroyed, and the body is restored faster. It is carried out only during uterine pregnancy. Analyzes for hCG and ultrasound are required, which confirm the location of the embryo dislocation. Complete or local anesthesia is set. The plastic tube is introduced into the uterine cavity. Pressure is created - and the fruit is cleaved. By time, the operation lasts a maximum of 5 minutes. Control ultrasound is carried out.

Surgical abortion or scraping. It is carried out on a period of up to 12 weeks. Traumary and has high risks of consequences. Since the doctor works "blindly", the puncture of the uterus is not excluded, which leads to abundant blood loss and inflammatory processes. Local or general anesthesia is used. The forceps are made puncture and the cervix is \u200b\u200bfixed. Next, it is expanding that the doctor can get to the cavity. For this use hegarery extends or special gels. Surgeon works as a curette. This is a knife with a loop at the end. In parts scattering fruit, as well as the surface layer of the uterus.

Artificial childbirth. They are carried out from 13 to 22 week strictly according to indications. It may be rape, death of the breadwinner, genetic anomalies of the fetus, etc. Main types:

  • "Fill". Prepare the cervix to open hormones. Sodium chloride saline solution instead of arrogant water. This leads to the death of the fetus and its natural exile. If the fights do not occur, the doctors introduce prostaglandins.
  • Small caesarean. It is carried out in an emergency when the fruit should be obtained quickly. Or in a situation with subsequent sterilization. It is performed under anesthesia dissection of the cervix and the fruit and a placenta is extracted.

Abortion is a thoughtful step. After all, complications for physical and mental health can not be avoided. Doctors do not guarantee the preservation of the reproductive function.

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