Signs of frozen pregnancy

Signs of frozen pregnancy

Every woman wants to be a mommy and a doctor's message about pregnancy causes great joy. But the pregnancy passes smoothly at all. According to statistics, 15% of the pregnant women cannot give birth to a child, they get fruit. The embryo or fetus die in the maternal womb, and the woman feels the most terrible pain in his life - the loss of the child.

General signs of frozen pregnancy

Footing the fetus can not manifest it for a long time, and the woman does not feel any signs. But if the deceased fruit is in the uterus more than 7 weeks, it is dangerous for women's health. It occurs in the DVS syndrome, while the diagnosis stops the process of blood coagulation and possible bleeding is dangerous for the life of a woman. Therefore, every future motley should know which symptoms of frozen pregnancy exist. With the slightest suspicion, you need to immediately contact the doctor.

A woman should alert the following symptoms:

  • general weakness and chills;
  • blood discharge;
  • an increase in body temperature for no reason;
  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • stops the movement of the fetus;
  • stomach does not increase;
  • does not listen to the heartbeat of the child;
  • the magnitude of the uterus is less than necessary by time.

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Signs of frozen pregnancy at different terms

The death of the fetus more often happens in the early stages - up to 14 weeks. In the early deadlines, a woman should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • change body temperature. In pregnant women, the temperature is always higher than the norm, but if the fruit is measuring - the temperature becomes normal;
  • distinctive pregnancy symptoms disappear. Toxicosis is sharply terminated, breast swelling disappears and changing taste sensations;
  • regenerate menstruation. But monthly go with delays.

These symptoms recognize not every woman. Many pregnancy proceeds without characteristic signs - no toxicosis, do not change the taste sensations and the like. Some pregnant women do not even stop menstruation to the birth. We recommend regularly measuring the body temperature. Measure the temperature in the morning on an empty stomach, in the rectum. If the temperature has decreased sharply - this is a reason to beat the alarm.

In the second trimester, the woman is easier to independently recognize the symptoms of fetal fetal symptoms. The main feature - the child stops moving in the maternal womb. Sometimes the movement does not stop, but the baby is not so intensely pushing the belly of mom with legs. With the slightest suspicion immediately contact the doctor and check whether there is no threat to the life of the baby.

In the second trimester, it is very dangerous is the discharge with blood, which are combined with pulling pains in the lower back and sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Urgently cause physicians and go to the hospital - in the hospital child can save.

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Definition of frozen pregnancy doctor

The doctor defines the symptoms of fetal fetal during the survey. This diagnosis is confirmed by:

  • when examining a pregnant doctor in consultation. The doctor notices that the magnitude of the uterus contradicts the prescribed period of pregnancy. But the method is not always valid - the uterus is growing at a measure of a fruit eagle, due to the increased shells of the fetal egg. Also, the doctor will listen to the heartbeat of the baby;
  • when studying blood to hCG. HCH is a hormone present in pregnant women. It is highlighted by the nucleus fabrics after attaching to the uterus wall. If the fruit is measuring - the amount of hCG in the blood does not increase and gradually decreases for two weeks;
  • when conducting an ultrasound. The study finally refutes or confirms the disappointing diagnosis.

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To frozen pregnancy, the wrong way of life of a pregnant woman leads. We regularly visit the female consultation, walk in the fresh air, put it right and rest - and you will know the great joy of motherhood.

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