Yellow selection during pregnancy, what to do

Yellow selection during pregnancy, what to do

Pregnancy - time not only pleasant expectations, but also a disturbing listening to its body. It is quite natural that the future mother with trepidation applies not only to every manifestation of a new life in itself, but also to every change in its body. Sometimes even falling into a light panic, if something changes noticeably - for example, when yellow discharge appears. However, this is not always justified, so consider the main causes and manifestations of such discharges.

Causes of yellow discharge during pregnancy

In general, if you touch the physiology of the female organism, the discharge (blenced) is what should be, that is, naturally. The only thing to pay attention to is their quantity, color, smell, consistency and the absence of uncomfortable sensations (burning, pain, itching). During the period of pregnancy, a hormonal restructuring of the body of the future mother occurs, where the hormone of progesterone begins to play the dominant role. As a result, the character of white - they become more crazy and abundant, including those can change the color and become yellowish.

Normal selection during pregnancy

As already mentioned, allocations during pregnancy are practically no different from the selection before its offensive. They only change the consistency and volume. These changes are most sensible in the period from the 6th to the 12th week. White painting in a yellowish shade is considered as an individual feature of the body of a pregnant woman, provided that they do not have an unpleasant smell and blood impurities, have a liquid structure and are not accompanied by itching, burning and sensation of discomfort in the vagina area. Yellow Belie can also be observed in future mothers who cannot refuse to smoke the harmful habit.

Causes of yellow secretions in the first trimester of pregnancy

Progesterone is preparing the body of pregnant to childbirth, so the number of white in the first months of an interesting position is quite large. And if you are alarming only their shade and quantity - without other changes, such a state can be considered normal. It is quite another thing if you feel also the severity, pain at the bottom of the abdomen. In this case, it should not be written off on "manifestations of pregnancy", pass the examination for the presence of inflammatory processes in the ovaries. The burning sensation and itching in tandem with yellowish discharge may indicate inflammation of the vagina or vulva, and can also talk about the "intolerance" by your external genital organs of flavored hygiene products, including gaskets. And unambiguously need to flee to the doctor if there is in the presence of blood in white blood and poor health (chills, weaknesses) - it may be signs of frozen pregnancy.

Causes of yellow secretions in the II trimester of pregnancy

The middle of pregnancy is characterized by the same risks in relation to diseases that are manifested by yellowish discharges. That is, a vaccously viscous yellow-colored smell without increasing the temperature, itching, burning and blood should not cause your anxiety. On the contrary, if not only color changed, but also a consistency (with a thrush - curls, with inflammation of the cervix - liquid), the smell - (with a thrush - sour, with bacterial vaginosis - rotten fish), composition (blood - with complications of pregnancy itself) Or joined itching, burning (with a thrush, bacterial vaginosis, vulvivaginate), do not tighten with a visit to your gynecologist. Any disease is far from you nor to your future baby.

Causes of yellow secretions in the III pregnancy trimester

The third trimester can react with yellowish discharge on the same reasons that in the first and second. However, closer to the delivery of abundant yellow white, with an increase in the temperature of the whole body, the body of the future mother can respond to problems with the baby, or rather, with an infection in its shell and an oily fluid. If you suddenly notice that after graduation, your selection becomes piles, it is quite possible that the cause of blood impurities becomes like "close communication". In the future mother, the tissue of the vagina becomes gentle and very sensitive, and hence - and very wounded in the literal sense of the word.

As you can see, yellow discharge during pregnancy - optionally the foreman of pathology. However, only a specialist can give an unequivocal answer about the reason for this state, that is, the doctor. Therefore, we advise you to be friends with your gynecologist and not be nervous without particularly reason.

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