Vomiting bile during pregnancy, what to do

Vomiting bile during pregnancy, what to do

Approximately 90% of women during pregnancy faces toxicosis. Vomiting can last up to 13-16 weeks of pregnancy and arise 1-2 times a day. The bile in vomit is usually present in the morning, until the first meal. Or at another time of day, again on an empty stomach. Vomiting until the 16th week of pregnancy in quantity 1-2 times a day is the norm and does not need drug treatment. But there are many ways to relieve their condition and reduce the attacks.

Causes of vomiting bile

As a rule, on an empty stomach during pregnancy occurs during pregnancy. The walls of the stomach begin to shrink and suck bile from the gallbladder and the 12-rosted intestine, which is then outlined with the gastric juice. The presence of bile in this case does not sign any problems in the body.

But if bile appears in vomit after a meal, then this is no longer just toxicosis, most likely you faced one of the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • aggravation of chronic liver diseases;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • stenosis of the duodenum;
  • appendicitis;
  • poisoning or intoxication.

In these cases, abdominal pains from the affected body are added to vomit. If you encountered this situation, be sure to consult a doctor. Stop vomiting with bile helps the stomach with two liters of warm water. After the procedure every 10-15 minutes with small sips drink mineral water without gas, chamomile decoction or rosehip. Without eliminating the underlying disease, such vomiting will not disappear. If earlier you treated the liver, gallbladder or other organs, do not repeat the appointments yourself, during pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated. In the case of poisoning or intoxication after washing the stomach, accept activated carbon, at the rate of 1 tablet by 10 kilograms of weight.

How to avoid vomiting bile

If breast vomiting is caused by conventional toxicosis, then the following techniques will prevent its appearance:

  • Waking up in the morning, without getting up, eat several crackers, cookies or bread crust and take 15 minutes.
  • Eat often and small portions so that the stomach does not remain empty. If there is no possibility of such a power, use sandwiches for snacks. Do not skip the main meals.
  • If vomiting arises from the smell of food, then during cooking, turn the hood at full power and open the windows. If this does not help, ask someone a certain period to prepare instead of you. Eat fitness temperature, it does not smell like so much like hot.
  • With vomit urges, try to ride over the lone of lemon or above ginger.
  • Often drink fluid during the day, in small sips.
  • Rest and try to lie in the afternoon. Vomiting may increase fatigue.
  • More often walk in the fresh air and avoid heat.

Medical treatment of vomiting

Many women try to avoid reception drugs during pregnancy, however, changing lifestyle and power mode may not bring results. If the frequency of vomit attacks is more than 10 times a day, the body of the future mother is dehydrated, there is weight loss of more than 5% of the body weight before pregnancy, we can talk about a severe toxicosis (pregnant hypereason). In such cases, the doctor may prescribe medication therapy. Treatment is aimed primarily on the restoration of fluid volume in the body. An important condition during therapy is psychological support for loved ones, elimination of any negative emotions. A good effect gives an acupuncture and point massage, simultaneously with the reception of vitamin B6. Drugs can be assigned blocking bouts of vomiting.

Most often do not worry when the feeling of bitterness appears after vomiting. This is a frequent phenomenon in the morning during pregnancy, since the body of the future mother is adapted to a new state. The above methods will help themselves to cope with this problem and not harm neither the baby.

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