How to get rid of nausea during pregnancy

How to get rid of nausea during pregnancy

The nausea of \u200b\u200bpregnant women (toxicosis) is the state with which every second woman is facing during the baby tooling. In most cases, such well-being is characteristic of early terms and can manifest itself at any time of the day. A pregnant woman can "torment" from certain annoying smells of smells, products, it can feel elevated salivation, loss of appetite and changing taste preferences. Toxicosis is not a pathology, its manifestations can be facilitated and, if you work a little over changes in your lifestyle, removed at all. In our article we will tell how to get rid of nausea during pregnancy.

Causes of nausea

The exact origin and sources of the appearance of a feeling of nausea, which can subsequently cause vomiting, have not yet been established. There are several assumptions for the occurrence of this condition:

  • A sharp increase in the levels of "pregnancy hormone" (HCG), progesterone and estrogen, who rebuild the body's body and provoke the emergence of a real storm in it.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the organs of the endocrine and gastrointestinal systems, the sexual sphere.
  • Neurological diseases or conditions (stress, lack of sleep, overwork).
  • Cardiovascular pathology.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, improper nutrition).
  • The disadvantage of the body of folic acid and vitamins of group V.

How to cope with toxicosis

Each woman is individual, and the universal method of combating nausea during pregnancy does not exist. There are several general recommendations using which you can facilitate this unpleasant condition and try to get rid of it at all, so as not to expect an expiration of 12-14 weeks (when toxicosis usually retreats himself):

  1. If the state of nausea bother you in the morning hours, do not rush to leave the bed after the awakening, try to at least lie down for a half hour.
  2. In advance from the evening, put a small snack next to the bed. It can be crackers, crackers, dried fruits, a little juice, milk or lemon slicing.
  3. Fit fractionally, do not overeat. At the time of adaptation of the body to pregnancy, prefer neutral food (give up salty, sharp, oily, sharp, smoked food).
  4. Correct your day mode. Try to rest more, to be outdoors, avoid stressful situations.
  5. Do not use flavored cosmetics and annoying toothpaste.
  6. Try to do yoga or gym for pregnant women.
  7. Use food rich in vitamin

Folk Recommendations

At all times, folk remedies used in great demand in the deliverance of one or another agement and its manifestations. To get rid of nausea during pregnancy, such methods will help you:

  • Warm decoction of currant leaves or mint. It has good soothing properties, lowers salivation and eliminates nausea.
  • A little strong welding will help you to cope with the unpleasant sensations and spasms in the stomach, the attack of toxicosis.
  • Conventional clean water, acidified lemon juice. Take in any quantity as a feeling of nausea occurs.
  • Essential oils of mint, bergamot, lemon, mandarin. Apply several drops on the wrist, and the unpleasant feelings will retreat.
  • Ginger tea (dissolve in 100 ml of boiled water a pinch of ginger powder). Take such a drink warm, small sips.

Standardly, the treatment of toxicosis of the first months of pregnancy is successfully held at home. Indications for hospitalization will be a complicated state when nausea is accompanied by multiple vomiting, the exhaustion of the body and the full rejection of food. The manifestation of toxicosis in the late duration of the child tooling is fraught with the bad consequences and the development of complications not only in the body of the mother, but also in the fetus. If the third trimester is accompanied by manifestations of nausea and vomiting - contact the doctor immediately.

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