Ozone therapy during pregnancy

Ozone therapy during pregnancy

During pregnancy in the body, women occur serious changes in the endocrine system. Ladies in the position are more prone to infectious and inflammatory diseases. Chronic ailments may also exacerbate. In pregnant women, any pathology adversely affect developing fruit. In order for the period of pregnancy proceeded without complications, they advise the course of ozone therapy.

In small doses, ozone has an immunomodulatory effect, enhances microhemodynamics and antioxidant protection. After passing the course of ozone therapy, the blood circulation in the placenta is significantly stimulated, the vital tone increases, the vessels are expanding, and the hormonal background is normalized. When generic activity is weak - the procedure helps the fetus on time to get oxygen.

The future mother such courses will support the work of the kidneys, cardiovascular system and liver. Moreover, cases have repeatedly met when therapy significantly reduced pain in the spinal column.

The procedure itself lasts a maximum of half an hour. After intravenous administration of ozone enriched in ozone, a woman needs to calmly lie down for a while. One course of ozone therapy is designed for five drops. At the end of the first course, a sufficiently long break is made, since the effect after ozone is resistant. Most often, the total amount of procedures during pregnancy does not exceed ten times.

Ozone therapy is contraindicated to girls with impaired brain, suffering from hemophilia and convulsions. During the doctor's reception, do not hide your alarming symptoms, do not complicate the position.

Unlike other techniques, ozone therapy is highlighted by its safety and extremely rare complications.

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