How to regain a pregnancy

How to regain a pregnancy

After you have learned about pregnancy, you need to register in women's consultation. It is necessary in order for a woman in a delicate period to be under the supervision of specialists, there were various procedures for monitoring the status of their health and the development of the kid.

Legislation of Russia allows us to apply for maternity records to any female consultation, subject to the presence of a medical policy. However, it must be remembered that your "native" consultation, where you have always been observed, much better aware of your health, possible transactions and other important nuances that are necessary to take into account when pregnancy.

Attend this institution will have to visit quite often, therefore, of course, you need to take into account the proximity of it from your home. Walking is useful for pregnant women, and it will be fine, if you can walk before consultation, but also not overvolt with too much distance.

In addition to municipal institutions, you can choose a private clinic that specializes in making pregnancy and motherhood lists. Learn all the conditions, prices and list of services. Be sure to ask is whether the cost of the package delivery of all kinds of tests, ultrasound studies and other procedures. If all you are happy - you can draw up a contract.

Get registered for pregnancy is recommended at the earliest timing. It is necessary for early detection of threats and pathologies and taking action to preserve the pregnancy. The state encourages women embarked on the record before the 12 weeks of a small amount (about 500 rubles), which you get together with other payments from the state.

Know that any pregnant woman standing in consultation has the right to receive some free medicines and vitamins. You can get them directly in the consultation or receiving a recipe from the attending physician. Feel free to remind your doctor about Russian legislation. List of drugs that are free of charge pregnant, see us:

List of drugs laid pregnant women for free.

Contact medical institutions on time, do not forget about the policy. Without this document, you will have only emergency assistance. Take care of yourself and your health!

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