How to determine ectopic pregnancy

How to determine ectopic pregnancy

Hear the phrase "you have an ectopic pregnancy" is afraid of every woman who is very waiting for the child. According to statistics, such a diagnosis is made in just 2% of cases, but no one is insured. Why is so scary ectopic pregnancy? Because the embryo is fixed not on the wall of the uterus, as it should be, but remains in the uterine pipes or on the walls of the ovary. In addition, the child cannot develop, it also threatens the life of the mother. What you need to know to notice signs in time and prevent deposits, consider further.

The reasons for which such pregnancy may occur are still not fixed. However, in the risk group there are women with the presence of chronic diseases of the small pelvis organs, after transferring sexually transmitted infections in the presence of adhesions in the uterine pipes, after an abortion, especially the first. Very rare causes may be a tumor or an innate incorrect form of uterine pipes.

The reasons why it can be understood that it is time for a doctor:

  • delay of menstruation, accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • pain on the one hand (since the fruit clinched in one of the pipes, then it will be disturbed);
  • sharp or new pain in the middle of the cycle at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • pains arising when walking, with a sharp change in body position;
  • bleeding, which can be both scarlet and brown;
  • weakness, malaise, dizziness, cold sweat;
  • abundant bleeding over several days (in this case, it is also necessary to urgently turn to the gynecologist, otherwise because of the big blood loss, as well as a number of others, no less serious reasons, a woman can die);
  • heredity (women whose mothers were ectoped pregnancies are much more susceptible to encounter this problem).

If you felt that something is wrong, then you need to go through an urgent examination. The minimum term of pregnancy, on which the doctor can see an ectopic pregnancy, 4.5-5 weeks. This can be done with the help of ultrasound. Additionally, it will be necessary to pass the blood test on HCG, which will show the presence of a hormone from the placenta. With normal pregnancy, its indicator will be much higher than when it is ectic. More terrible signs, according to which the gynecologist will understand about ectopic pregnancy, are bursting of uterine pipes, ovary, bladder, or even intestines. However, the most frequent place of development of the fetus outside the uterus becomes precisely pipes.

What will have to do if an ectopic pregnancy is confirmed? Unfortunately, in this case, only the operational and timely intervention can save the lives of the mother. It is also very important to apply in time to the doctor so as not just save life, but also save the internal organs of a small pelvis that may suffer during the growth of the fetus, because they are not adapted to this. In order not to happen unexpected, try to follow your body and not postpone the visit of the doctor in the case of the slightest suspicion. The earlier pregnancy will be revealed, the easier it is to get rid of it and keep pipes.

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