Pregnancy is the happiest period in the life of every woman. While having a baby, a woman needs to be very attentive towards her health. There is an extensive number of problems that can overstate the development of the fetus, one of them is the hematoma in the field of the uterus.
The uterus during pregnancy is extremely sensitive, it is also experiencing various changes in its structure. The formation of hematoma in this place is dangerous not only the development of the fetus, but also the life of the kid and his mother itself.
As a rule, the formation of pathology is observed in the early launchers. The hematoma neglected causes irreparable damage placenta.
Varieties of the hematoma of the uterus in a pregnant woman
The uterus hematoma is a pair of placenta, leading to blood cluster. There are several varieties of the hematoma of the uterus in a pregnant woman:
- Retchory or subchorial hematoma. This type of hematoma may arise in the early deadlines of the fetus, because chorion in the mother's womb exists temporarily, namely no more than 14 weeks. Next, he is reincarnated in the placenta, after which the fruit egg begins to peel. During the impact of some reasons to the uterus during pregnancy, the chorion is separated in such a way that leads to the formation of the hematoma between the uterus wall and the placenta.
- Retroplated hematoma. As a rule, this type of hematoma may form no earlier than 15 weeks.
- Retroamniotic hematoma. The sign of this hematoma is hemorrhage that occurs between the wall of the uterus and the shell protecting the fruit. Retroamniotic hematoma is not extremely dangerous, nevertheless, abundant bleeding can aggravate the health status of a pregnant woman. In the case of stopping bleeding, it is noted that the child comes with a sufficient amount of oxygen to continue their livelihoods in the mother's womb.
- Subminiotic hematoma. A variety is not able to harm the growing fruit. For some time, the blood has absolutely absorbed on its own.
- Intrauterine hematoma. This type of pathology is accompanied by various changes in health, capable of leading to death. During this period, the uterus breaks, after which the muscle tissue is completely soaked with blood.
How the uterus hematoma occurs - reasons
The factors for the appearance of the gematoma of the uterus have a huge amount, but it is worth paying attention to the most important signs of the formation of hematoma:
- development of infections in the body of a pregnant woman;
- various violations in the blood coagulation process;
- stressful situations and depression;
- physical fatigue;
- tobacco and alcoholism and drug use;
- supercooling of the body or overheating;
- toxicosis in early or late form;
- anomalies in the development of the kid.
All of the above factors can provoke bleeding in the uterus, which can later lead to inevitable consequences.
Recognize the hematoma uterus in pregnant
Symptoms of the formation of hematoma
Of course, only a competent specialist can correctly recognize the formation of hematoma, however, there are several factors that will be forced immediately to see the doctor:
- In the formation of hematoma, pain in the abdomen is observed. They can be compared with painful sensations during menstruation.
- Not rare pain suffer from belly to the lower back.
- There are cases of brown discharge.
- The constant feeling of fatigue and powerlessness.
- In rare cases, after the formation of the gematoma, the uterus is observed the exit of the embryo through the genitals.
It is worth noting that the body of each woman is unique, so the symptoms can be completely different. There are also cases of pathology asymptomatic. Often a woman feels exclusively fatigue and apathy, which delays the process of diagnosis and treatment.
The hematoma of minor sizes itself is absorbed and disappears. In the event of the loss of the impressive area of \u200b\u200bChorion, the woman rises the risk of miscarriage and bleeding. Also, lateral elimination of pathology can lead to violations in the functioning of the placenta and the development of the fetus. In addition, any complications in this situation may contribute to the limitation of oxygen, as a result of which the fetal suffocation will come.
Diagnosis of pathology
It should be understood that the description of the disease with the words of the patient and a single inspection will not help put an accurate and correct diagnosis. I can identify pathology only the ultrasound procedure. This inspection will allow the doctor to understand what type of pathology is present in the body of a pregnant woman, he can also keep the fetal life under control and the factors surrounding it.
Only with the full diagnosis of the body of a woman, a specialist will be able to appoint proper treatment and exclude the emergence of various complications.
How to treat hematoma uterus
The treatment of hematoma is prescribed depending on the scale of hemorrhage and the length of the fetus. The pathology of minor size does not require special treatment, it may well be resolved independently. But, there are hematomas that require immediate treatment. It includes the following important items:
- Committed quiet lifestyle and bedding.
- A special diet is prescribed, excluding products that contribute to gas formation and other disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. All salinity, spices, flour and oily food are excluded.
- Preparations are prescribed, removing spasms in the body.
- It is also necessary to use medical preparations that contribute to stopping bleeding.
- In order to relax the uterus, special preparations containing a large amount of magnesium are prescribed.
- In addition, drugs contribute to the supply of oxygen into the body of a pregnant woman are necessarily prescribed.
- Preparations are needed that can calm the nervous system of a woman.
In order to protect the health of the mother and the child, it is necessary to fully carry out all the necessary procedures and analyzes for complete diagnosis of pathology. It is not worth tightening with treatment, because even the most minor pains can cause tremendous harm to the body of a pregnant woman.