How to understand that you are pregnant

How to understand that you are pregnant

Hundreds of women are waiting with the imposition of long-awaited pregnancy, buying a tight amount of tests and checking them every two hours. And only one woman out of a million is able to feel intuitively the birth of a new life literally from the first day. So how to learn about the long-awaited event before and after the latency of the menstrual cycle?

How to understand that you are pregnant in the absence of menstruation

  • The very first and of course, the main sign, is the absence of menstruation. In the first days of the latency of the menstrual cycle, you can make 2 tests to determine the number of hong hong in the blood and urine. The urine test is less sensitive for pregnancy, shows the cherished strips only a week after 1 day of delay. The test indicators in the blood of the hong hong react to the first day of the lack of regular menstruation.
  • Test strips on the definition of pregnancy is held early in the morning on an empty stomach. It was during the morning awakening that there is a maximum number of hormones that react to the number of strips.
  • After 5-7 days of delay, you can go to the control ultrasound, which will accurately determine the presence or absence of pregnancy, and will also determine the place of attachment of the fetus. If the fruit began to develop outside the uterus, the pregnancy is called an ectopic, which rushes a threat to the life of a woman.
  • Diagnose pregnancy will help hiking to the gynecologist on the 7-8 week of pregnancy, when the uterus begins to increase in size.

How to understand that you are pregnant before the delay

  • Measurement of basal temperature - with ovulation, the temperature rises to 37.5 degrees and is preserved when pregnancy occurs for 7 weeks. To find out if conception occurred, in the morning, without getting out of bed, measure basal temperature.
  • Fast fatigue, drowsiness - from 1 day of the occurrence of pregnancy you will literally "fall from the legs", even adhering to the usual lifestyle. This is due to the preparation of the bodies to having a baby and the restructuring of all organism systems for two work. The sleepy state will last until the end of 1 trimester, it was then that the body will be fully configured to bend.
  • Changing taste preferences - even beloved morning coffee can be unbearable on the second day after conception, and the taste of hated fish will be your favorite throughout the pregnancy. Increased interest in certain products caused by a lack of vitamins in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • The frequency of urinary - the uterus, even slightly increased in size, has an effect on the bladder through the sympathetic nervous system, which causes frequent urge to the toilet. This feature manifests itself especially at night when the body is in a relaxed state.
  • The swelling of the mammary glands - on the third day of the occurrence of pregnancy, the chest begins to swell, heavy and increases by 1 - 2 sizes. In some cases, pain and feeling of "cutting" may occur.
  • Toxicosis is nausea in the morning, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Appears on the 5-6 week of pregnancy, when the fruit attaches tightly to the walls of the uterus. Women leading an active lifestyle can miss all other signs of pregnancy, turning attention only to unfortunate vomiting. In such cases, it is necessary to remember when you should come monthly, to make a test and consult a doctor. It is forbidden to take drugs without appointing a doctor.

How to understand that you are pregnant - folk methods

Our great-grandmothers and grandmothers in the period of "complex" medicine used folk remedies for determining pregnancy from remedies. Proven life experiences research:

  • Pour urine into the glass and pour the teaspoon of soda. If the reaction went - bubbles and foam, then you are not pregnant. If nothing happens, with accuracy of 60% you will soon become mom.
  • In a small container, pour the morning urine and drip iodine drop into it. If the droplet is not dissolved and remained on the surface, you may be pregnant if it broke, it is most likely not.
  • Lie on the back, close your eyes and put the palm at the abdomen. Having dried, listen - if you feel the heart rhythm, then you are pregnant. Sometimes this method is the first signal to what you are pregnant.
  • If you have dreamed that in a dream you catch the fish, with an accuracy of 70% we can say that you will soon become mom!

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