What does the delay of menstruation mean

What does the delay of menstruation mean

The delay of menstruation always causes a lot of different feelings in women. From the tempting anticipation of the expected addition in the family to a very disturbing feelings associated with the concerns of the appearance of malfunction with female health or unwanted pregnancy. In any case, you need to find out the reasons for such a delay.


In fact, the first thing that the woman will think of reproductive age, leading an active sex life, under such circumstances is pregnancy. None of the available contraceptives has a 100% guarantee of protection against conception. Accordingly, even using contraceptives, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of becoming pregnant. Therefore, if the delay occurs, it is initially necessary to carry out a pregnancy test. Do not hurry to do the test, the optimal period of it is a weekly delay. How to use tests, read in another our article.


Each stressful situation, even such as problems at work or in personal life, can cause a failure of the entire nervous system, and specifically in the part of the brain that is responsible for the work of the uterus and ovulation. Stress can also provoke a failure of hormone generation in the body, which leads to a dysmanifier - delayed menstruation. To completely avoid stressful situations, of course, it will not be possible, but their impact on the body is minimized. This contributes:

  • Full-fledged rest;
  • Healthy nutrition and sleep;
  • Sports;
  • Vitamin complexes.


Changing life conditions

Consider what other factors can lead to a monthly delay:

  1. Exercise stress. Intensive exercise can be the basis of non-monthly permanent period. This can be promoted by difficult physical work, sports or dancing. In this case, Amenorrhea is the specific protection of the body for better adaptation to new living conditions.
  2. Climate change. Often, the delay occurs when traveling to countries in the other climatic belt. As mentioned, the reason for this is the adaptation of the body to new conditions. After the body adapts to them, comes to normal and menstrual cycle.
  3. Diet. Compliance with a particularly strict and limited diet can lead to a delay of menstruation. An excessive restriction in nutrition leads to the fact that the woman's body exhausts all available resources and cannot function normally. Amenorrhea is a frequent satellite of women suffering from anorexia or prone to her. To put the period of menstruation, you should adhere to a more sparing regime without a hard restriction, and ideally - constantly feed on healthy and nutritious food, without abuse of overeating and tedious diets.

Delay due to illness

Some diseases may be the cause of the menstrual cycle. Initially, of course, these are diseases of the female reproductive system. For example, polycystic The ovaries leads to a violation of the production of female hormones, the absence of ovulation andas a result, amenorrhea. Sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to menstruation delay. In addition, other infectious diseases (ARVI, flu, angry), as well as chronic diseases, such as diabetes, gastritis, or ulcers, can be the cause of the delay. For the recovery of the cycle, the main disease should be accelerated.


Spontaneous miscarriage or medical intervention is always the cause of a huge hormonal failure. In order to recover, the body will be needed for a long time. But if menstruation did not appear and 40 days after abortion - you should consult a doctor.

Hormonal contraception

Regular reception of a number of combined contraceptives to prevent pregnancy and for the treatment of endometriosis can "slow down" the ovaries and cause amenorrhea for several cycles. After 2-3 months after the abolition of contraceptives, menstruation resumes. The reason for the latency of menstruation can be emergency contraception. For example, Postinar Contains high doses of potent hormones that can cause disorders in the work of the ovaries.

Many white tablets

Postpartum period

After the birth of the child, menstruation returns to the usual rut, not earlier than 5-9 weeks, and in women, nursing breasts, can begin only after the end of lactation. This is due to prolactin - hormone responsible for producing breast milk and the overwhelming ripening of the egg. But the lactation itself is not contraceptive, as many mistakenly consider.


In this period, which is characterized by age-related changes in the body of a woman, there is a gradual extinction of the ovaries. As a rule he Begins after 45-50 years. At this time, a change in the hormonal background occurs, as a result of which menstruation appears less often, and the cycle can be born from month to month. Therefore, the delay is quite explained by the phenomenon.

Thus, there are many grounds for delayed menstruation. Even when you independently identify its cause, visiting an experienced doctor for a full examination, timely and accurate diagnostics will be useful.

Comments leave a comment
Alice 03/06/2018 at 6:47.

My delay was only once in my life, quite recently, because of the climax. There was no pregnancy, so I didn't even suspect that something could happen to the cycle. Very worried, but it turned out everything was not so scary, I accept the Ice Formula Menopase now, I am doing sports, I do not bother the sympathetamos correctly. But precisely because of them women climax are very afraid)

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Dina 10/17/2018 at 15:08.

The situation is just like yours ... But I accept the cycle to get rid of symptoms ... This is advised, and I trust him)) I feel much better than at the very beginning of this "menopausal" path. So I strongly recommend with any incomprehensible phenomena to see the doctor ... to get off life itself, first of all

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