How to cause monthly during delay

How to cause monthly during delay

The period of menstruation approached, and they all do not come, or is the grand event planned and want it to do not fall on critical days? There are several ways to speed up the occurrence of menstruation without harm to health. Before resorting to them, make a pregnancy test. Indeed, in this case, it is sometimes meaningless and even unsafe.

There is a common belief that hot bath, sauna, sauna are able to cause monthly. In this case, there is an intense tide of blood to the genital organs and critical days are faster. If the bath has a pair of ascorbic acid tablets, the effect will only increase.

Infusions of her herbs such as souls, yarrow, parsley increases the tone of the uterus. Laving sheets hard helps: 30 sheets boil one hour in two glasses of water. These folk remedies take twice a day before meals. Although it is innocuous herbs, but should not be abused by reception.

Do not want to drink folk drugs - then make love and preferably several times. Joint bath adoption, stormy sex provoke the onset of menstruation.

Many women want rapid results, so they turn to drugs. "Postinor", "Pulsatill", "Dufeston", "Miphpriston" accept according to the instructions. These pharmacological agents contain hormonal components that can lead to a failure of an endocrine system. Therefore, before their use, you should consult with your doctor.

It will lead to fast menstruation intramuscular injection of progesterone hormone, "oxytocin" and other drugs. It is impossible to use this method. Only a doctor can assign you these injections. In addition, there are no free access to these funds, and it is unlikely that they can be purchased in simple pharmacies.


In cases where the failure of the menstrual cycle is not associated with pregnancy and is more than 20 days or repeated periodically, qualified medical care will be required. The specialist will appoint analyzes, ultrasound and will select the right treatment.

To the selection of a way to call a monthly approach with caution. You should not use them all together or use too often. This can lead to a collection of hormonal balance.

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Hannah 10/07/2018 at 11:35.

In my opinion, it is better not to do nonsense, and with a delay immediately consult a doctor. After all, it can be the beginning of the climax, and you will be a bunch of the body not to understand what. I didn't have time, I immediately ran to the gynecologist. Menopause was confirmed, now I take the cycle of alanine against the symptoms and tea from Borvarii. I feel excellent))

Vika 07/13/2018 at 7:29

Sometimes it can be very dangerous and absolutely no need to ... especially if the delay is caused by the fact that, for example, menopause has come. He herself took all sorts of stimulants, until he found out that the climax came to come, and then faced with all his charms, sweating and nervousness. It is good that on time began treatment-took the ice formula Menopause and Infusions of Sage. Now nothing bothers nothing))


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