How the menstruation begins

How the menstruation begins

The first menstruation is a whole event in the life of a girl, so you need to be ready for it both morally and physically. This is a physiological process thought out by nature itself, which symbolizes the puberty of the body. And if it comes, then everything goes correctly, "according to plan." So, how do the periods begin, and when they need to be expected.

Dates. A normal age for the appearance of menstruation is the age of 12-14 years. However, one should not perceive this for an unshakable norm. Firstly, these boundaries can be shifted to an earlier age as a result of acceleration, thanks to which physiological development is accelerated in both sexes. Secondly, the timing and features of sexual development in girls are largely similar to the development of their mother-in-law relatives. Therefore, if my mother’s menstruation began at a later or earlier age, it is quite possible that the daughter will be the same. Thirdly, the beginning of the first menstruation depends on the level of development of the girl herself. If she from early childhood physically develops with ahead of her peers, there is a high probability that her menstruation can occur earlier than 12 years. And vice versa. If, but until the age of 17, menstruation never came, you must definitely contact a gynecologist.

Harbinger. A sign that the girl’s body is preparing for the first monthly, there may be a change in the nature of the discharge. The ones that have appeared two years before the first menstruation of Bel, in a couple of months before them, become more plentiful, viscous. Also, the harbinger of the first menstruation can be periodically occurring pain in the lower abdomen. Moreover, the nature of the pain can be different - from weak to rather tangible. Another sign that the first menstruation should be expected soon is the manifestation of the premenstrual symptom (PMS). A few months before them, the girl may observe such PMS symptoms as headaches, emotional instability.

Signs. The most important sign that the girl’s body, as they say, is “matured” bloody secretion. At the same time, it will not be worth it to calculate that it will immediately be blood. The first menstruation can begin with ointment when the discharge is scarce, brownish. At the same time, the pain syndrome can also be expressed in different ways-it is completely absent for some girls, and they will learn about the beginning of menstruation only by the appearance of discharge, while others also experience aching pains in the lower abdomen. It is worth considering genetic features: signs of the onset of the first menstruation and their character in a girl can completely repeat the behavior of the body in her mother, grandmother.

Peculiarities. The period of establishing a cycle in adolescents is usually from 1 to 2 years. During this period, the duration of menstruation can be from 3 days to a week, a break between them can be from 3 weeks to 3 months. If during this period the menstrual cycle does not become regular, that is, it will not be on average 28-32 days, monthly lasts more than a week, have a very plentiful character or severe painful syndrome-this is an occasion to be examined by a gynecologist.

When the first menstruation occurs, it must be remembered that now the body is ready to conceive and bearing a child, but has not yet matured completely for this, since it continues to grow. Therefore, now for the teenage girl, the issues of not only the hygienic aspect of menstruation, but also protection become relevant.

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