How to have sex

How to have sex

Sex is not only the physical satisfaction of instincts and needs, it is also a way to express love and proximity between a man and a woman. It has no strict rules and restrictions, you can do absolutely everything that allows you your fantasy, religion and your partner. But there are several tricks and tips that can make sex life brighter and more colorful.

Squint the thought of sex in advance. This is to some extent part of the prelude, but rather moral, and not physical. Write all day to each other SMS sexual character, they will make a partner look forward to the upcoming evening. When meeting, create an intimate setting: aromatic candles, light dinner, transparent hints. Clothes can also excite. Strict men's suit or uniform; A tight dress with a deep neckline will guide thoughts in the right side. Special translucent lingerie looks very impressive, the sewing of which allows not to remove it in love.

Do not rush to go to the main thing. The longer the prelude lasts, the long-awaited sexual intercourse will be directly. During the preliminary caress, the woman produces lubricant, and the man is growing and an erection is installed, therefore it is also practical. The prelude usually includes stripping, kisses, hugs, petting, oral caresses - all that helps to wait for the euphoric completion of the process.

Think about preservation in advance. If your plans have no intention to conceive a child, then you should take care of contraception. The most elementary is to stock condoms that are sold on any pharmacy and shop. It makes sense to learn about whether the girl does not use any contraceptives. These can be combined oral contraceptives (COC), candles, the patch of the Jew, the spiral, the ring, etc. It is very important to remember that none of these funds protect against AIDS and HIV diseases, so they are only suitable for sex with a proven constant partner .

Explore erogenous places of each other. The search process itself will give you a lot of pleasant sensations and discoveries. And later, when the cherished places will be disclosed, the opportunity to excite their partner will become great pleasure. Some mistakenly believe that the most erogenous zones are in the field of genitals, but if not can be lazy to search, it may turn out that your halves are caressing caress in the chest area, kisses in the ear of the ear or the foot massage.

Do not be afraid to experiment. Anyone, even a small innovation, introduced into an already established intimate life, will add paint and new sensations to her. There are no limits for the realization of their desires. Try new positions, new places in the apartment and beyond. Intimate in the car, in the elevator, in the restaurant toilet or in the fitting store will definitely add you fresh impressions. Visit sex shop, you may want to try some devices designed to increase pleasure. It can be nozzles, vibrators, anal balls, intimate gels and lubricants and even costumes for role-playing games. Try sex with bright light or under special music or call each other by name, who knows what exactly will help you in achieving orgasm.

Enter myths. Sex all night on the span is good only in the movie, in fact, proven, its average time, pleasant both - 10-20 minutes. Then he can bring discomfort and even pain partners. Ideal is considered the time you need to achieve orgasm. The significance of the size of the male penis is also very exaggerated. Too large in length or in diameter, the organ may cause unpleasant and pain in the girl.

Affection after sex. In men and women, various ideas about what should be done when a sexual act is completed. Women want to bother, talk, dream together. Men, most often, wish to lie in silence, relax, because he just spent a lot of strength. Try to find a compromise. Light strokes and gentle kisses relax and pacify. You can also share impressions from the Socia, tell, as it was good - it is always nice to hear. You can take a shower together, and there may be the second time on the approach.

A lot of books have been published about how to have sex is published, many articles on the Internet are written and a huge amount of films is pressed. This topic will never lose relevance. But that sex was perfect for the truth, you need to respect and trust your partner, take care of not only your own, but also about his pleasure.

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Denis 10/05/2017 at 10:21

Scary I want sex!

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the God 09/21/2017 at 21:45.

i also want to

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Gleb 14/01/2018 at 3:52.

i, too, Herch and how I start to engage in a desire immediately disappears, the clock leaves to cum ((

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Daniel 12/08/2018 at 17:10

You need something to drink for potency. Also pay attention to your nutrition more than greenery, parsley, for example, or basil, vegetables, fruits, nuts with honey. And on the lifestyle smoking, alcohol, the bath does not have favorably affect it.

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Albin 08/30/2018 at 19:09

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